
Your guide to raising your children in Christ, disciplining them in love, and navigating your role as both parent and teacher.

Christian Parenting

Parent and Child holding hands on the Bible

Discipline with love. Teach children about discipleship. Lead by example.

These are just some of the reasons that parents choose to homeschool their children. Homeschooling is an incredible tool for Christian parents, allowing you to seize control of decisions related to the education of your children as part of your ultimate goal of raising their children to love God, love people, and to be well-prepared to take advantage of every opportunity God gives them in the days ahead

Praying for your Children

There is a battle raging, and our children are high value targets to the evil one. Just imagine, though, what an entire generation of children who truly love God with all their hearts, souls and minds can do in this world! My prayer is that this free Prayer Guide and series will be as much of a help to you and your family as it has been to me and mine.

Parenting Children

Being a parent is one of the greatest privileges we could ever have in this life. 

Parenting children in today’s society can seem like it’s an uphill climb at times– if we are parenting our children God’s way, we are most certainly going against the flow of culture in many cases.  We want to parent our children in such as way as to help them understand that others are more important than themselves, to make good decisions, to seek wisdom, and to dig into God’s Word and learn to think biblically.

If you choose to homeschool your child as part of your parenting efforts, there are many Christian-based homeschool curriculums that align with these core values that also provide high-quality video courses and lesson plans.

Parenting Teens

As parents of teenagers, we have an incredible opportunity to help them as they make the transition from child to adult. We get to become the ones they go to for counsel and advice. We get to help them learn to think biblically and to set up their lives accordingly. 

With home school for high school, parents not only have a hands-on approach with teaching science, math, and literature but also helping your teen build character and grow in their faith.

Discipling Your Children

Your home is ground zero in passing on your faith and modeling the Christian life. So, discipling your children starts in the home. Parents are the ultimate teachers in charge of guiding children into a life of faith and helping to shape the moral fabric of their lives.

If you choose to homeschool, we have found the using a Biblically-based homeschool curriculum reinforces discipling along with the traditional subject matter.

Parenting Articles

3 Years From Now…

Let’s do a little exercise together. Please write down your answers to these questions instead of just thinking the answers. And, keep in mind, you

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Becoming Homeschoolers | 288

Discover the profound impact of homeschooling on family life, spiritual development, and academic achievement. Monica Swanson and Leslie Nunnery share personal insights and practical advice

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Parenting & Homeschooling

As parents that homeschool, our primary goal is to teach our children about discipleship and spiritual living.

When children are homeschooled, parents have more opportunities to teach them about living their lives according to God’s Word and God’s design.

Happy family reading a book together

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Teach Them Diligently 365 is an online homeschool community and homeschool resource library designed to help you make the most out of your homeschool experience.

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TTD365 Audio Resources - Parenting (Members Only!)

How Can We Find Great Stories for Our Children’s Good?

Speaker: E. Stephen Burnett Many fantastical tales look okay but may endorse ungodly ideas. That’s why more conservative groups are offering newer fiction to teach your kids moral values. How can Christian parents find the good stuff that will disciple your children’s heads and hearts? Lorehaven.com founder E. Stephen Burnett (coauthor of The Pop Culture […]

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Teaching Your Children to Defend Christianity

In the growing skepticism of our society, it is so important that we not only train our children in Biblical knowledge, but in the logic to know that the Bible is truly the Word of God and Christianity is truth. Once our children leave for college, the world is waiting to attack their faith by convincing them that God is not real, that Christianity is false, and that the Bible is not true. It is critical to our children’s faith, and those to whom they may witness, that they have a strong understanding of the logical way to answer those challenges. Cathryn’s book, Teaching Others to Defend Christianity, is structured as a teaching tool so that parents can use these six lessons to teach their children the essentials to being able to defend their faith. It walks them through the logical progression that God exists, it is the Christian God, the Bible is trustworthy, and Jesus is the Son of God. Are your children prepared to face the fundamental questions to their faith?

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8 Great Smarts: Discovering and Using Your Child’s Intelligences

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch All children have eight intelligences that can be awakened, strengthened, and used when learning anything. Each intelligence will be explained so you can determine which ones are strengths for your children and how to teach with them. You’ll also learn how children might be getting into trouble through their greatest strengths […]

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Raising our Boys to be True Gentlemen and Being an Example for our Daughters

Speaker: Monica Irvine Imagine what it will feels like, as you watch your son, even while they are young, be an example to those around him of what a true gentleman looks like, acts like and is. His focus is on others. He notices without effort when someone near him is in need, and then […]

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview

Speaker: Israel Wayne Are your children prepared to face the “Real World”? Learn how to equip your children to stand against the flood of secularism that threatens to drown them. What is your worldview? How are you going to transfer it to your children? Will you be more effective than the media and popular culture? […]

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Important Things to Teach Our Families

Homeschooling parents often have many things they want to teach their children, but what are the most important things that parents can pass down from one generation to the next? In her talk “Important Things to Teach Our Families” Ruth Adams seeks to encourage parents to intentionally disciple their families in the process of daily learning and living. Ruth is the author of the book “Legacy Reflections of a Homeschooled, Homeschooling Mama” and shares out of almost four decades of involvement in homeschooling both as a student and now as a Mama to seven. Ruth understands the joys and struggles of homeschooling many children and is passionate about helping other mamas embrace the ministry within their homes.

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

God Made You For This

Speaker: Joie Harber Are you ready to move from feeling inadequate to empowered? God has a purpose for you, your marriage, your homeschool, and most importantly your children’s souls. Join Joie as we conquer our fears and learn how to put God’s word in our children’s hearts, nurturing a love for God that can last […]

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Wise Parents Raising Wise Children: Biblical Wisdom and the Homeschool Family

Speaker: Charlie Ray This session will cover three principles of biblical wisdom. First, these principles will be established from Scripture, and then each principle will be applied to the homeschool family. Just as Solomon prepared his son to face the temptations of Lady Folly, we must prepare our kids to face and reject the so-called […]

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The Fight for Faith and Family in a New Age

Speaker: Heidi St. John When you became a parent, you enlisted in a spiritual army. You engaged in an epic battle between good and evil. Join Heidi for an hour that will change the way you see your role in it and equip you for the battles yet to come. Listen Now

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Reaching the Heart of Your Child

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Based on Ginger’s best-selling book, Don’t Make Me Count to Three! There is far more to parenting than getting children to “act” right. We have to get them to “think” right and to be motivated out of a love of virtue rather than a fear of punishment. Ginger equips parents to reach […]

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Stop the Yelling, Lecturing & Power Struggles

Speaker: Kirk Martin Do you need help calming your explosive household? Tired of yelling at, negotiating with and bribing your child? Do you want your child to take responsibility for his schoolwork, chores and attitude? It’s time to stop the yelling, arguing and power struggles with toddlers and teens. Moms, it’s not your job to […]

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Influence vs. Control: How to Best Motivate Your Child

Speaker: Israel Wayne There is a careful tension that must be maintained between being your child’s authority figure and being their life coach. There is a necessary shift in approach that must take place as your children go through various stages of development. If this transition is not carefully managed, your parenting approach will likely […]

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Shining Armor

Most purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much bigger problem for young men, and many seem hopelessly naïve about the battles our sons are facing. How can you teach your boys to guard their hearts and keep them pure? How can you help them to fight temptation in a world full of inappropriate images? How can you help them make the transition from “It’s not time to think about that ” to finding a wife? Come hear the parents of six sons give you frank, practical advice on raising your son to be a virtuous knight.

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Disciplining Our Children Without Breaking Their Spirits

This is a topic I get the most questions about and a topic that so many parents are struggling to find balance with: what is effective, age appropriate punishment? When is talking about it enough? What age is too old or too young for certain discipline? …and the list goes on. Come and join me as we discuss essential principles that we must understand before discipline can be effective. Parents, if we’re not careful, even with the best of intentions, we can absolutely damage our children’s precious spirits. If you have been feeling lately that you are not correcting your children as effectively as you would like, come and listen.You will be so grateful that you attended.

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Following Our Father’s Example

God doesn’t just look on what is happening on the outside but he sees our hearts. If God is looking at our heart and desires to change our heart, then that should be our desire in our heart and our children’s heart. By looking at how God captures our hearts, we can learn to capture […]

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Walk by the Way, Teaching Spiritual Truths through Natural Means

Speaker: Ginny Yurich Bring Deuteronomy 6:7 to life! “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Opportunities to teach Biblical truths are all around us. Learn ten practical […]

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Raising Children of Promise

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Most of us want to parent our children in such a way as to point them to Jesus, but do we really understand what that looks like? Join Leslie Nunnery as she gives Biblical insight into just what Discipleship-focused parenting actually looks like by examining the principles taught in scripture and giving […]

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Cultivating God’s Purpose in Your Child’s Life

Speaker: Kate Battistelli Successful adults don’t happen by accident. It takes wisdom to raise your children with a strong sense of their destiny in God and a deep knowledge of their gifts and callings. Join Kate as she shares what she learned about parenting during the journey of raising her daughter, GRAMMY award winning recording […]

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Prayers That Changed History: Teaching Kids to Have Effective Prayer Lives

Speaker: Tricia Goyer Martin Luther. Sojourner Truth. Helen Keller. St. Patrick. We read their stories, and of other people like them, in history books and hear about the amazing things they did to change the world. But one part of the story is often left out: Each one of them wouldn’t have accomplished what they […]

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A Message of Hope for Adoptive Families

This encouraging session will inspire you as you pursue adoption for your family. Hear from Sonya Schweighardt as she shares all God has done for them but also the reality of walking in adoption. This session will encourage and bless your heart! Listen Now

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Priorities for Parenting Tweens and Teens

Speaker: David and Leslie Nunnery So many parents get nervous when it comes time for parenting tweens and teens, but with a proper foundation and focusing on the top priorities, you’ll find these stages of life to be the most fun of all. In this session, David and Leslie Nunnery will discuss the Top 7 […]

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Smile Stealers and Smile Makers!!!

Speaker: Todd Wilson You started this homeschooling journey because you thought it was going to be fun. You envisioned yourself teaching your children and smiling through each day. Then something happened. You stopped smiling. There’s a reason for that and some things you can do to bring back those smiles not only for yourself but […]

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How to Control Your Emotions

How to control your emotions so they do not control you! Motherhood leads to refining moments in our lives. You might have “those children” who are more difficult than others, and it is a constant working in your mothering heart. This wonderful talk will encourage your heart in parenting and equipping yourself for the battle […]

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Courtship and Dating: So What’s the Difference?

Families hear much about courtship these days, but often lack clear ideas as to the differences between a dating approach and the courtship concept. We want to spare our children the pitfalls of the modern dating tradition, but often don’t know how to explain to them how courtship works! This seminar gives six easily-understood differences between the two approaches, to help any family apply the old approach in a modern era,
but without arbitrary, Pharisaical rules. Dennis gives parents principles they can apply in varied households.

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What is Biblical Patriarchy

Speaker: Colin Campbell Where can we find the answer to this important question of role modeling? 1. The 21st century world? 2. The 21st century church? 3. Our biological fathers? 4. Our friends and associates? Or what does the Bible say about patriarchal fatherhood? Will fatherhood happen naturally without any real effort on your part […]

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Discipline That Works, When Consequences Don’t

Speaker: Kirk Martin Instead of being drawn into power struggles, yelling and giving meaningless consequences, Kirk will show you 10 ways to discipline with dignity so kids listen to, respect, and trust you. – Stop the whining, complaining and tantrums. – Get kids to listen when they are loud in the car or interrupt on […]

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Calming Angry and Anxious Kids

Speaker: Tricia Goyer You don’t know how to control your child’s anger, anxiety and strong-will. You feel hopeless, fearful of your child’s future, and angry yourself. Tricia shares her own deeply personal experiences of trying to help her challenging kids. She shares her honest feelings and things she’s learned to help you help your child. […]

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