On today’s podcast, David and Leslie will revisit a topic that has proven to be super helpful to families as they’ve talked about it over the last couple of years: goals. Every person and every family has a goal whether they’ve actually taken time to think about it or not, and that goal is what drives their activities. They also dive into what happens when we don’t take the time to think about how our actions go in line with what we want to achieve within our families, and a whole lot more.
For most families who listen to the Homeschooling Families podcast and who are members of Teach Them Diligently 365 or attend Teach Them Diligently Events, a primary goal for them is the discipleship of their children, raising them to know and love God and people. I wanted to make sure that you’re aware of a fantastic discipleship resource that’s available each week within the Homeschool Subjects newsletter in partnership with our friends at Voice of the Martyrs. The Taste and See homeschool prayer and Geography section publishes each Sunday night and highlights a country of the world where our brothers and sisters in Christ are persecuted. We’ve packaged it as both as geography resource, where you can study where that country is, what the culture is like and even taste what the food is like, while you also get more insight into what life is like for believers in that land, so you can pray for them as a family more effectively. To get access to that resource, make sure you subscribe to Homeschool Subjects at HomeschoolSubjects.com and that you request your free Global Prayer Guide from Voice of the Martyrs at TeachThemDiligently.net/VOM.
- Taste and See Discipleship Resource
- Your goals show through your activities.
- You have goals, whether you’ve consciously considered them or not.
- The dangers of floating without clearly defined goals.
- How different benchmarks can bring a lot of peace to your days.
- How quickly idols can steal your joy.
- The benefits of Heart Schooling.