About Teach Them Diligently
“And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” —Deuteronomy 6:6–7
Teach Them Diligently was born out of a recognized need for more events that celebrate Gospel-Centered homeschooling. It is our mission to help families fulfill the Great Commission, by providing them with opportunities to unite around the Gospel, and with resources that encourage, equip, and inspire them to bring up and educate their children as ambassadors for Christ.
Our Goals
We desire to be Gospel-Centered. We put our focus on Christ, on the mission He’s given to us all, and on helping families realize that mission. That is our bottom line. It is amazing how much we all find that we have in common when Christ is lifted up and other differences are set aside. That sense of fellowship and mission make Teach Them Diligently events a watershed of encouragement and the highlight of the year for many who attend.
We strive to provide good products. Any vendor whose product touches on Creation, or sells Bible curriculum must sign a statement of agreement to ensure that everything in our vendor hall aligns with the Gospel.
A portion of every dollar that comes in to Teach Them Diligently Convention goes directly to missions— both here and abroad. We hope that in leading by example we can inspire families to spread the Good News to their children and the world.
Homeschool Camaraderie
Families attend homeschool conventions to attend workshops, purchase educational products, and hear from professionals, but an important piece that should not be overlooked is: Camaraderie.
After spending time in the neighborhood, at family outings, or even church—
where there are a limited number of homeschoolers—it can become painfully
obvious that our family priorities don’t match those around us.
At our Conventions, though, you are surrounded by thousands of like-minded homeschool families and the feeling of revival is ELECTRIC! Our experience of genuine camaraderie is even further multiplied by the fact that the majority of those who attend are Christians who are seeking to disciple their children too, not just to educate them.
If are you wondering why your family should attend a Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention, here are a few reasons we are convinced you should:
- It is an exciting event for the entire family!
- It’s Gospel-Centered with a focus on Missions!
- We have phenomenal speakers and workshops focused on your needs all along the way.
- You’ll enjoy unique and unhindered fellowship with other Christian Homeschool Families.
And you will be introduced to new educational products, resources, and curriculum—AND we’re
convinced you’ll get wisdom and understanding too!
David and Leslie Nunnery are the founders of Teach Them Diligently. Convinced of the Holy Spirit’s leading them to home educate their four children in 2010, they stepped out in faith. They were called to start Teach Them Diligently in 2011 as God impressed on their hearts a need for discipleship-focused, family-strengthening events, and they have since hosted more than fifteen TTD Conventions across the United States allowing them to share their ministry with nearly a million people. They also minister to families throughout the year through Teach Them Diligently 365, their written articles, podcasts, and more. They are eager to get to know your family soon.