What is Financial Stewardship?
Financial stewardship is about managing our money and resources in alignment with biblical principles, recognizing that everything ultimately belongs to God. This approach emphasizes the importance of being faithful managers of the resources entrusted to us, prioritizing God through practices like tithing and generosity, and cultivating contentment. Key elements of financial stewardship include budgeting wisely, saving for future needs, and exercising caution with debt, all while maintaining integrity in our financial dealings. Ultimately, financial stewardship is not just about effective money management; it’s about using our finances to honor God, support those in need, and further His kingdom, all while trusting in His provision for our lives.
Teach Them Diligently is very excited to be partnering with adelFi to bring you solid Christian content on financial stewardship!
Financial Stewardship in the Bible
There are many examples of financial stewardship in the Bible.
The “Parable of the Talents” in Matthew 25: 14-30 is a popular story where the master goes on a trip and leaves each of his three servants with a number of talents (a form of currency).
The two servants that invested their talents were rewarded upon the master’s return. The third servant that hid his talents out of fear of losing the money was punished.
The lesson in this parable is that we should take a risk in the name of Jesus or leap of faith when it comes to financial stewardship.
Personal Finance for Teens
Personal finance is one of the most important life skills that you can teach a teen to prepare him or her for life after high school.
There are several home school curriculums that focus on personal finance for teenagers.
Financial Giving
As Christians we are called to give of our time and money. Financial giving or tithing is a way of showing God that we have Him as our first priority.
We trust that God will provide and we will not have to do without.
Financial Stewardship Resources
Let their imaginations run wild. Not their spending habits!
Start Young Accounts encourage responsible saving and spending—all at a pace parents set. These digital accounts give kids of all ages the hands-on features of adult banking, but with
Tips for Teaching Kids to Manage God’s Resources
3 Strategies for Raising Good Stewards You can give your kids all kinds of rules for playing with others: share, use nice words, don’t bite.
Protect Your Teen From These Four Money Mistakes
4 Money Mistakes Teens Make Imagine if all your income was disposable, and you had very few responsibilities. It would be a real challenge to
What You Need to Train Young Kids About Money
The Key to Teaching Your Kids About Money… is to Start Young If you’ve wondered whether it’s too early to start teaching your kids about money,
Give Your Tween a Jump Start on Money Management
Tweens and Saving Money There’s never really been a good word for kids between the ages of 8–12. There was a time in the early
Money – Ultimate Power Trip or Ultimate Opportunity for Growth?
A lot of people are surprised to learn that Jesus devoted 15 percent of his recorded words to the subject of money, and that the
5 Ways to Finance Your College Education
Of the many thoughts racing through a student’s mind as he approaches high school graduation, two of his preoccupations are likely, “What do I want
College For Free?
With the cost of college rising faster and student loan debt reaching astronomical proportions, many students are looking for alternative ways to earn their college
Preparing for & Managing Student Loans
For high school students, it’s almost time to start thinking about student loans!
Here are some tips to tackling student loans:
1. Create a monthly budget
2. Find a part time job to start paying down more student debt.
3. Purchase secondhand items. You would be surprised at the wealth of goodies you can find at a garage sale, estate sale, or neighborhood classified pages.
4. Ask for help. Reach out to a trusted Christian financial guidance counselor.