Your Partnership Matters

We pray for you.

David and I say that all the time, but I wanted to make sure you know that we really do. Some days, it’s more general—we pray for Teach Them Diligently families and that God will encourage and challenge their hearts, give them wisdom as they raise their families, and grow them all closer to Him so they can impact their communities for the sake of His name. Other days, we lift up specific requests we’ve been told about or seen online.

We pray that God will make a way for each of you to join us for convention and in TTD365; for we are convinced that He has called us to serve you that way, and we know the profound impact those things have on the families who participate.

Truly, the privilege to pray for you is one of the great blessings God has given us through the 12 years we’ve served Him through Teach Them Diligently.

As I’ve been studying Paul’s epistles this year, though, God has really convicted me that we haven’t asked you to pray for us and partner with us in this ministry nearly enough. About 8 times in Paul’s epistles, he asks those he’s serving to pray for him that the gospel work he was doing would be fruitful.

“Finally, brethren, pray for us that the Word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified just as it did also with you, and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith.” (2 Thes. 3:1-2)

David and I ask you to join us in praying for us personally that we may be faithful in the work God has called us to do. We ask for prayer for our family that we may stand firm and be an example of how God’s families should function. We as you to pray for wisdom as we make decisions regarding the events, the podcast content, speakers, partners, TTD365 content, etc.

We want God to be glorified in everything we do, and we’re overwhelmed by the privilege He has given us to minister to families all around the world.

We believe with all our hearts that God is working in our world and that He delights to  work within our families. We believe that revival within His families is the hope for our churches and communities, and then we’ll see the gospel work to spread out from there. Parents passing on their faith intentionally and naturally to their children, showing them a sincere love for God and for people, will change the world as the gospel multiplies out from our homes.

Please pray that God will keep our eyes and hearts fixed on Him, so that we don’t do anything to hinder His work or misrepresent our loving Father and Lord in the eyes of those who are watching us.

Will you join us? If you will pray for us, will you send me an email letting me know that? David and I love to hear from you!! I hope to include some specific ways you can pray for us each week in this Sunday night Homeschool Subjects email.

I hope your family is doing well. I hope you’re planning to join us in Pigeon Forge or Branson. I hope I can get to know you better through TTD365 and at retreats and other special events this year.  I’m so thankful for you!

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