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When Faith Is Forbidden| 190

Literature and good stories offer homeschool parents incredible tools to help capture our children’s hearts and give them a better understanding of biblical truths. Many great conversations have started after reading time, and many doors for discipleship have opened as we use the stories as jumping-off points for sharing our experiences and lessons learned.

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Home School to Graduate School via World Missions

The 4-5 years and high cost of traditional college often impedes Great Commission obedience. This need not occur: the foreign language and cross-cultural skills needed to minster the Gospel to unreached peoples also comprise the core of a liberal arts degree. Learn how, via credit-by-exam and portfolio assessment, engaging in Christian missions can yield both a B.A. degree and foster an agenda for graduate school.

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Discerning My Calling

I believe the workplace is our mission field and we need to follow the guidance of the Lord to find the right mission field for each of us.

In Jeremiah 29:11 God says I know the plans I have for you…to prosper and not to harm…to give hope and a future.

When young people tune into their God-given skills, personality, strengths, and spiritual gifts, they make more satisfying decisions and have fewer regrets about school, college, and career.

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Helping Your Students to Become More “Globally-Minded”

Jesus told his disciples to look up to see fields that were ready for harvest. He told his disciples that they must lose their life in order to find their life. This workshop purposes to help students think and live with a Great Commission? mindset. We want to help parents children to be more aware of Great Commission? opportunities around them while preparing students to live with this same mindset.

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Mission- Minded Families

Award-winning author and Kidzmet.com Founder Jen Lilienstein digs into how to put Multiple Intelligence theory into practice in your homeschool including: ???How MI theory differs from the common view of intelligence. ???What MI theory suggests for our understanding of and interactions with the children in our lives. ???How multiple intelligences can be used as a lens to know children, their strengths, interests, and preferences, and how that information can be used to benefit the child and family.

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Daring Daughters: World Missions For Young Women

A well-ordered approach to history and literature allows students to follow history as it happened: In order, from ancient times through the present. A classical approach produces a well-rounded student who knows the stories from all of history??? whether ancient or modern, Biblical or secular??? that every educated person should know.

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One Child at a Time

Operation Christmas Child- Hear the story of the ministry of the shoebox and what happens after the children receive their shoebox. Hear how your family can be part of this amazing ministry! Listen Now

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