The Power Of A Parent’s Impact And A Golden Yo-Yo | 159

Growing up in a family of 9 kids, Vladimir Prokhnevskiy didn’t get many gifts and food was a luxury. One harsh winter in Kiev, Ukraine, Vlad and his siblings rode a bus and then a tram to get to the church where shoeboxes were handed out. The brightly colored gifts stood out immediately! He was so excited about this gift and time seemed to stand still for a brief moment. The shoebox represented God’s love that heals everything, allowing Vlad and his siblings to forget their struggles for a moment and just feel loved.

Meet The Guest:

The Prokhnevskiy family moved to the states in 2001. Today, Vladimir lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with his wife and two young boys. He is a content creator and works with his twin brother at their company Ukramedia. 

Podcast Sponsor:

Today’s episode is brought to you by Samaritan’s Purse/Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child demonstrates God’s love to children worldwide by delivering gift-filled shoeboxes and the good news of Jesus Christ! Each shoebox is an opportunity for a child to hear the Gospel and be invited into a 12 lesson discipleship program, The Greatest Journey.  Since 1993, more than 198 million children have received a shoebox gift and since 2010 more than 30.9 million children have been discipled.

Children are now praying for and sharing their faith with family and friends. As a result of this ever-expanding witness, new churches are starting and communities are being transformed! Together we are working to see “a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” (Rev. 7:9-10).

Learn more about packing shoeboxes at samaritanspurse.org/occ and find fun resources for your family at samaritanspurse.org/childrens-ministry-resources.
 National Collection Week is November 14-21.

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