7 Keys for Mission-Minded Families | 214

Today, we have the privilege of hearing from one of Leslie Nunnery’s favorite people. Ann Dunagan has had a huge impact on her life and family since before she could call her friend. Ann and Jon have been at most of TTD events through the years, because their message about Mission-Minded Families is one that we believe so strongly in.  

Meet The Guest:

Ann is the mom of 7 and grandma of 17.  She and her husband Jon are the founders of Harvest Ministry, which has been focused on global missions since 1987 — winning souls, equipping national missionaries, pioneering 500+ village churches, and loving orphans, currently caring for 1200+ children in Africa and Asia. She homeschooled all 7 of her children K-12  and collectively with her family, Ann has shared the light of Jesus in more than 120 nations on every continent. 

Topics Covered in this Episode:

  • 7 keys for Mission-Minded Families
  • Encouragement for families and busy moms to find time for personal Bible study
  • Discipleship for families

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