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frustrated mom

I Don’t Have Enough Patience!

Many moms feel like they don’t have enough patience to home educate their children. What do you do when your worst fears are confirmed and you find out you don’t have enough patience to continue homeschooling? Come learn about what patience is, what it isn’t, where it comes from, and how to grow and thrive in the pressure cooker of mothering.

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teaching multiple grades at once

Teaching Several Grades at Once

Teaching several grade levels all together can seem daunting. However, what might at first appear to be overwhelming can be turned into an asset in your homeschool. Let’s look together at planning ahead, group teaching, leading older children in sharing knowledge (and boundaries for this approach), and ideas that bring the family together.

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How and Why to Incorporate Educational Travel into Your Homeschool

Teaching and learning can be fun! There are many ways students can learn through real-life experiences including educational travel. Many of us think of educational travel as something that is too expensive or too difficult. But educational travel doesn’t have to be to far-off or expensive destinations. It can include those, but with planning and budgeting, educational travel can be a reality for most homeschooling families! Why is educational travel important anyway? Because students can learn so much more through travel than they can with traditional academics alone! Not only can they learn about the states, cities, landmarks, and map skills in a hands-on way, but they can also learn more about relationship building, problem solving, and other life skills that they can’t learn effectively in any other way. We will share some practical, affordable ways to incorporate educational travel into your homeschool

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Handfuls of Treasure: Embracing Busy Family Life

Spelling, Arithmetic, Reading, Dishes, Diapers, Laundry, Cooking….the list goes on and on! Homeschooling mothers wear so many hats. Busy family life can threaten to steal the realization that our hands are holding, guiding and directing eternal souls. This session focuses on recognizing treasure, laying it up in heaven, and loving the family God has given us.

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Important Things to Teach Our Families

Homeschooling parents often have many things they want to teach their children, but what are the most important things that parents can pass down from one generation to the next? In her talk “Important Things to Teach Our Families” Ruth Adams seeks to encourage parents to intentionally disciple their families in the process of daily learning and living. Ruth is the author of the book “Legacy Reflections of a Homeschooled, Homeschooling Mama” and shares out of almost four decades of involvement in homeschooling both as a student and now as a Mama to seven. Ruth understands the joys and struggles of homeschooling many children and is passionate about helping other mamas embrace the ministry within their homes.

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A Curriculum Tune Up Subject Specific Learning

Speaker: Heather LaurieWhat kind of curriculum works best for you and your family? With so many options available, where do you start? Heather Laurie address this issue and provides clear direction when picking what is best for your children and family!  (more…)

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The Highly Sensitive Homeschool Mom

Do you make it a priority to arrange your life to avoid overwhelming situations? Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time? Do your children’s moods deeply affect you? If you answered yes to some or all of these questions you may be a highly sensitive person or HSP. Understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses as an HSP can help your homeschool world become more peaceful and manageable. In this seminar, I will explain what it is like to be a highly sensitive homeschooling mom and how God can help you to faithfully teach your children even on the toughest days.

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Courage and Patriotism: Stories of America’s Beginnings

Stories teach with power and touch the souls of young and old alike. Through stories, heroes come to life as vibrant mentors to us and our children, living in a world of collapsing values.

This presentation, centered on the Revolutionary War, allows our early heroes to teach sacrifice, selflessness and tenacity: Why did soldiers defy enemy bullets and bayonets to fight for their rights? What makes a general great? Who are we today because of the sacrifices of men, women and children who pushed through fear to forge independence?

America is noble because of those who gave her birth: George Washington, the Great Man without whom America might never have been; Nathaniel Greene and Henry Knox, Washington’s genius-generals; The Maryland 400— Washington’s Immortals—who gave all to save their brother soldiers; the secret intelligence organization that allowed Washington to win the Revolutionary War at the risk of their lives—these and many other stories help children reverence the people

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Teach Math to a Child with Learning Challenges

Teaching is not for the faint of heart. Mix in a child with learning challenges and you may end up becoming very discouraged, and possibly, ready to throw in the towel. Be encouraged, you are NOT alone. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a learning challenge or simply doesn’t “get”? math, come to this workshop to learn some teaching strategies and techniques. Help your child overcome those learning challenges and succeed in math.

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