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The Inestimable Value of the Christian Home

Speaker: Colin Campbell Who did God give your children to? Who is teaching your children? The state, the church, the daycare, or you? Is your home vacant between 8 am and 6 pm? Is homemaking a true career? Where are true Christian values meant to be taught? The state, the church, the neighbors, the peers […]

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Raising Children to Be Courageous Communicators for Christ

We live in a culture growing increasingly hostile to Christianity. But God can use our words to affect minds and hearts. Come learn about the power of apologetics and worldview in the life of your family and how to raise confident, courageous communicators who will make a difference in the world.

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Diagnosing Doubt

Doubt can be a master of disguise. Sometimes, what we think is the problem, isn’t actually the problem. It’s time to stop beating ourselves up for doubt, and start diagnosing where the doubt is coming from. You can’t always predict what life will throw at you (or your child), and the best defense is a good offense. Nobody wakes up one day and decides to doubt their Christian faith, but there are warning signs. The best you can do is be proactive by understanding the underlying causes, and learning how to spot little problems before they become big problems. In this session, we will discuss the 4 main areas where doubt gains a foothold. We will learn to recognize the symptoms of each, and develop strategies to identify and address the actual problem, no matter how it presents itself.

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