Setting Goals for Christian Families | 25

In today’s episode we are discussing the importance of setting clear– even CRAZY!– goals for Christian parents. David shares the four layers of goal setting and how you can implement them into your own life.

These are the same principles we employed when we decided to homeschool, where to move, which church to attend, and so much more! Clearly defined goals give clarity to everything you do. 

Additional Resources

  • Check out our Homeschool Family Bites on Goals for a quick-hit overview on the subject. 
  • Heart School Class is open! Enroll in Heart School and start refining your vision for your homeschool and refocusing your efforts today– Save $20 if you use discount code HEARTSCHOOL before September 1, 2020.
  • I’d love to get to know you better and see how we can serve you so well, we’ll wow your socks off… (You’ll get that reference if you click…) Click here to fill out a short survey. If you take the time to do so, you could WIN a free Heart School Class. (We’ll award several copies based on the number of entries we get.) I really, really want to know your heart and where you’re coming from. 
  •  Check out the Teach Them Diligently App to easily access Podcasts, TTD365 content, articles, event information, and other homeschool and family resources. 

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