Improving Sibling Relationships | 16

In this episode, I talk to Kim Sorgius about sibling relationships and how we can help our children not only in their relationships at home, but out in the world!

Hi, I’m Kim Sorgius and my number one desire is to help kids and families grow in faith so we will never feel consumed by life’s struggles.

My passion for helping families grow in faith is deep-rooted in a pretty messy life story, mercifully redeemed by our incredible God!

Having been one of the 66% of spiritually active teens who walk away from the church in their twenties, I believe God has called me to help kids and families avoid that same trap.

Working with kids has always been one of my favorite things to do, I volunteered in kid’s clubs, girl scouts, church groups, and pretty much anything involving kids. It’s probably no surprise that I graduated from the University of South Florida with an M.A. in Education, specifically curriculum design.

But after ten adventurous years in the public school system teaching Kindergarten through second grade, God redirected my plans. I took what I thought was a break to have my first baby. (Isn’t she adorable?)

Just a few weeks after she was born, I got the call that my nephew was going to be retained for the second time in his 3 year educational career, so I took matters in my own hands and began homeschooling him immediately. I’d seen the system fail one too many kids and it wasn’t going to happen on my watch again!

As they say, the rest is history. I fell in love with the power of homeschooling! By the time my own children were old enough for “school” we’d already been to multiple homeschool conventions and purchased a good bit of amazing curriculum.

In fact, I was so convinced that homeschooling was the best way to educate my children that I pushed through the incredible obstacles we faced just a few short years later when my husband left us behind.


He took my degree, my passions, and my family’s needs and He put together this thing we call Not Consumed Ministries today.

Although I never would have imagined it this way, I’m a work-from-home fulltime mom who runs a business, homeschools her kids, and by the grace of God manages to feed them, too.

Don’t picture superwoman, because you’ll be missing the point. We have the privilege of serving families like you because God is so gracious to us. He has put all of the pieces together and gives us the strength we need to do what we are called to do each day.

And trust me when I say, I haven’t done any of it perfectly! I’ve felt the bitterness of betrayal and the loneliness of divorce. I’ve felt the overwhelm of single parenting and the fear of financial ruin. And I’ve sat helpless as my baby was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

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