The search will only search posts related to: 2020. The content is sorted by most recent.

Homeschool From the Beginning

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young When do you get started and what do you do first? We’ve had precocious readers and we’ve had late bloomers, but every one of them has benefited from being homeschooled from the beginning. Learn to relax and introduce your little ones to the joy of learning in a gentle and […]

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Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young Have you ever had a war break out in the middle of history or read aloud to a child sitting upside down? You may be teaching a boy! Research shows that boys and girls learn differently. Understanding the differences can help to preserve the love of learning and the academic […]

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Get to the Point – How to Teach Conceptual Thinking in Math and Science

Speaker: Greg Stableiin Though students have learned various procedures for math problems, they may lack “number sense.” Why the difficulty retaining math that was previously taught? It is important to build on a solid foundation. Addition/multiplication facts need to be learned for instant recall, but this need not be done by direct memorization. Just as […]

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Kiss Excuses Goodbye – Bringing Back Family Time & Biblical Family Devotions

Speaker: Glenn Ransom Want to bring your family together? Desire to help your family grow a relationship with God? Get caught up in not having enough time, struggling to understand things or cannot find what you’re looking for? This session shows you a tool to overcome these and discover the benefits of family devotions. Listen […]

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Taming Your Tongue

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Do you find yourself threatening, repeating your instructions, or raising your voice in an attempt to get your children to obey? Do you feel guilty because you know you should be faithfully training and instructing your children in righteousness but you aren’t sure how? Through personal experience and practical application of Scripture, […]

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Taming Your Child’s Tongue

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Are you ever embarrassed or shocked by what comes out of your child’s mouth? Based on her newest book, I Can’t Believe You Just Said That, Ginger provides a practical, three-step plan to reach beyond the behaviors of tongue-related struggles—such as lying, defying, and manipulating—to address your child’s heart. After all, as […]

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Reaching the Heart of Your Child

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Based on Ginger’s best-selling book, Don’t Make Me Count to Three! There is far more to parenting than getting children to “act” right. We have to get them to “think” right and to be motivated out of a love of virtue rather than a fear of punishment. Ginger equips parents to reach […]

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How to Parent without Provoking Children to Anger

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Does your child have a comeback for everything you tell him to do or always try and get the last word, even if it’s mumbled under his breath? Does he become mad and lose control when you discipline him rather than repenting? Or does he seem indifferent, giving the impression that discipline […]

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The Gideon Factor – The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Homeschooled Children

Speaker: Frederic Gray While we get caught up in the day-to-day decisions of homeschooling, it may be easy to lose the big picture. Employing the Gideon Factor will help you crystallize your main objective in homeschooling, and will be the greatest gift you ever give your children. Whether you are a new or veteran home […]

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How to Love Your Wife as Christ Loved the Church

Speaker: Frederic Gray How can you be a blessing to your wife and empower her to connect with her God-given potential in homeschooling? Love her with the love that turned the world upside down. As a homeschooling mom, she needs it! Come learn how to love your wife with the most powerful, transformative love the […]

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Homeschooling is a Journey, not a Destination

Speaker: Frederic Gray Deciding to homeschool is only the beginning of the journey. As you travel on your own personal homeschooling journey, you will face many detours, road blocks, flat tires, empty gas tanks, bad weather, and maybe a not-so-willing travel companion (or more). Don’t turn back! This talk will help you put gas back […]

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Fighting For Your Special Needs Child

Speaker: Frederic Gray In our journey of dealing with Apraxia with our son, we learned a lot about how to navigate the waters of educating a special needs child. From private therapy, to trying to use public school resources, to wondering where the money was going to come from, we learned a ton. This talk […]

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Unravel the Frazzle

Speaker: Eujeana Chism Eujeana will discuss different ways to get the time back so that you can enjoy some adventure time with your family. She will discuss ways to organize your time and lessons in order to keep your academics on track and still have time for other things that are so important to your […]

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Finding Balance in Your Homeschooling Journey

Speaker: Eujeana Chism God has given us many relationships and responsibilities and keeping them in balance is tricky while we homeschool. We need His grace and some good planning to help guide us as we educate our children. We will discuss prioritizing relationships and responsibilities, home management, grocery shopping and meal prep, organization and homeschooling. […]

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Testimony – The Story God Wants To Tell

Speaker: Erin Weidemann A powerful message lives inside your child’s story. It can touch hearts, change minds, and create more space for God to work in the lives of others. Sometimes though, our children will have to ‘get out of their own way’ so they can tell it! In this workshop, author and speaker Erin […]

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Heroes of Literature and Life

Speaker: Erin Weidemann Since God breathed the eternal narrative and its characters into existence, we have been drawn to the stories of heroes. We are captivated and inspired by brave souls who stand up for justice, warriors who fight for truth, compassion, and love. In this workshop, Erin breaks down how to leverage the stories […]

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The Grocery Budget Formula Workshop

Speaker: Erin Chase In this interactive workshop, we’ll look at the 5 most common grocery shopping mistakes that result in overspending and that terrible feeling that you’re flushing money away each week. We will also work through my “grocery budget formula” to determine how much you should be spending. Then, we’ll talk about what you […]

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Staying One Step Ahead of Your Hungry Family with Time Blocks

Speaker: Erin Chase They say that the kitchen is the heart of home and that is certainly true in our home. I think that planning “time blocks” in the kitchen is one of the most important keys to keeping my home running smoothly, keeping “one step ahead” of myself, and not feeling like I’m drowning […]

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Freezer Cooking with the Slow Cooker, Instant Pot, Multi Cooker, and More

Speaker: Erin Chase Let dinner cook itself! A “Start to Finish” look at how freezer meals work, best methods for prep and how to cook them in your favorite countertop appliances. Listen Now

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Dinner Redefined by a Clutter-Free Kitchen

Speaker: Erin Chase Helpful (and somewhat minimalistic) strategies for managing your time, energy, and sanity in the kitchen. We will dig deep into the daily challenges of cooking for your growing family, and learn how the “less is more” approach can lead to a more satisfying experience in meal prep and enjoying dinner around the […]

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Beyond Gaming and Shopping

Speaker: Eric Stasak Have your students learn on their own how to use the internet to identify and study companies that are growing – using the proven S.I.M.P.L.E. investing method developed by Eric Stasak. This method will serve your students all their lives as they learn how identify and measure the key attributes that make […]

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Significant Parenting

Speaker: Emily Jones Homeschool parents put so much emphasis on ensuring that their children learn the information necessary to meet state requirements. However, it is equally important for us to take advantage of the freedom homeschool provides in order to raise wholesome children who grow up and become adults who contribute to society and make […]

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Preparing Our Children to Encounter Competing Worldviews

Speaker: Elizabeth Urbanowicz A host of competing worldviews call out to our children. While protecting them from specific cultural influences is beneficial, we need to prepare our children to have a vibrant faith in a secular culture. How can we equip our children to navigate the thousands of false messages that clamor for their attention? […]

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You Are a Masterpiece

Speaker: Elizabeth Oakes Mrs. Beth introduces your child to the clumsy, skinny, awkward life of NORMAN ROCKWELL. Be spellbound by Mrs. Beth’s storytelling and interact with some of Norman Rockwell’s most famous masterpieces. Most of all, be encouraged that there lies a masterpiece in all of us. Fun for kids of all ages! Listen Now

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