The search will only search posts related to: 2020. The content is sorted by most recent.

5 Home Business Projects that Teach Financial Literacy and Create Income

Speaker: Rhea Perry In this insightful session taught by an award-winning Internet business owner and veteran homeschool mom of 7, you will learn the fundamentals of five proven home businesses your family can start part-time that could possibly bring your dad home like they did! You’ll also learn why some of your children never finish […]

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Teaching the Child You Have

Speaker: Rebecca Spooner We all walk into homeschooling with some sort of preconceived notions, and for most of us… we are in for a rude awakening. Our first year we buy books based on what we like and we plan our days based on our schedules, without taking into account the complete curveball that is […]

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How to Find the Motivation to Be Consistent

Speaker: Rebecca Spooner Sometimes I am not sure if the problem is my lack of motivation or my children’s. How can you get back on track when no one feels like doing it? This session focuses in on one of the most common problems that we face as homeschoolers: finding your homeschool rhythm and getting […]

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Homeschooling the Nothing Works Child

Speaker: Rebecca Spooner Meet Selah, my daughter that would rather be galloping on her hands and knees like a horse or snuggling with her cat than doing anything else. School is meaningless to her, stories and reading is meaningless to her, conversation is generally meaningless to her (unless of course it’s cats!). Nothing seems to […]

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Homeschooling in the Digital Age

Speaker: Samantha Shank Technology has become a game-changer for homeschooling. It provides limitless opportunities for learning and provides a wealth of resources in a variety of subjects. Whether you’re wanting to supplement your studies with digital apps or find networks for like-minded homeschool families, there are endless ways to incorporate technology into your homeschool. This […]

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Dear Kids – What Your Parents Wish You Knew

Speaker: Rebecca Spooner A session for the whole family! Bring your kids and everyone will be laughing as I share a list of things I wish my kids knew about being a homeschool parent. See pictures of my own kids as we go on an entertaining journey into my homeschool day. From the silly, “If […]

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Confessions of a Recovering Type A Mom

Speaker: Rebecca Spooner When I first started homeschooling, I was Type A to the core. I was driven, I had a schedule printed for every member of my family (including my husband) for every 15 minute increment. I knew what I wanted and how I was going to get there. But then I had more […]

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EZ + 1 – Making Sense of Teaching Writing

Speaker: Rachel Rist Teaching writing well is not only possible, it can be enjoyable! Come and learn about an effective and easy-to-use approach for the very reluctant child as well as the natural writer. Using models, checklists, and a clear pathway for “EZ + 1” skill progression, the Structure and Style® composition program is guaranteed […]

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Math Myths, Math Anxiety, and Challenges

Speaker: Rachel Anderson Is your child facing learning challenges? Does your child have math anxiety? And what myths are we talking about?? Children with learning challenges must truly understand in order to remember. The traditional approach of teaching mathematics does not work for them. In this workshop, you will learn some teaching strategies and techniques […]

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What are Rights

Speaker: Paul Engel I hear a lot of people use term “Rights” today, but I don’t hear anyone describe what a right is. When I look at how the word is used, to quote Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride, I think “You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think […]

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Presidential Elections and the Electoral College

Speaker: Paul Engel There are those in America who are disassembling the republic. While they may have good intentions, their attempts to convert our nation from a republic to a democracy will not only destroy the republic, but doom us, our children, and their children to a fate similar to the French Revolution of 1789. […]

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Trick Geography – Passport to Fun

Speaker: Patty Blackmer “It’s no secret that U.S. students are horrible at geography and have been for some time”? U.S. News and World Report began in a 2015 publication. Trick Geography is a simple, yet powerful curriculum which routinely moves students from geographic illiteracy to command of world countries, US states, Canadian provinces and territories, […]

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Apologetics From the Ground Up

Speaker: Patrick Nurre There is more to building a solid worldview than having a right catechism of creation. Our culture is on the move to destroy Biblical faith. This is no more apparent than in the treatment of the book of Genesis. Part of the solution for our kids is in knowing what the Bible […]

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Preparing for College – It’s Easier than You Might Think

Speaker: Pat Wesolowski This workshop will cover testing and transcripts, dual enrollment, college choices, gap year programs and other post-high school options. Pat, who homeschooled her nine children all the way through, is now a Homeschool Specialist at a Christian college and she can help you navigate through the high school years successfully! Listen Now

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Better Together – Enrich Your Homeschool

Speaker: Pat Wesolowski Are you ready for a change? There are many reasons to participate in co-ops while homeschooling and this workshop will help you develop a vision, organize a co-op, and get excited about reaping the many benefits of homeschooling co-op style! Not only will your children look forward to co-op days, so will […]

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It’s a Balancing Act

Speaker: Pam Hatcher At Brain Balance we don’t just work with a child’s strengths or provide strategies to compensate for a weakness. We address the fundamental problem. At the core of these disorders is desynchronized processing speed or an imbalance between the two hemispheres of the brain resulting in a Functional Disconnection. This means there […]

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What is a Mother to do With Sons

Speaker: Norm Wakefield (Primarily for moms, but also insightful for dads) Many homeschool mothers grieve over the conflict that often occurs between them and their sons, especially as the enter the teen years. How does a mother handle the transition of her little boy as he begins to identify with his father and manhood? What […]

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Freedom from Idolatry in Homeschooling

Speaker: Norm Wakefield One of the most destructive forces in relationships occurs when parents idolize homeschooling, marriage, or their children and when children idolize their parents. What are the signs that idolatry is taking place in our hearts? How can both parents and children stay free from the influence of idolatry in relationships? Listen Now

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Bring God’s Presence into Homeschooling

Speaker: Norm Wakefield Do you and your children feel like God is distant and sometimes difficult to access? How can you teach your children that God is near and His presence as close as the air you breathe? Norm opens the veil to the presence of God and gives you a way to help you […]

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Anchored in Christ – In the Storms of Life

Speaker: Norm Wakefield Do you ever feel like you’re weathering a category 5 hurricane as you attempt to educate your children? Learn how to get anchored in Christ so you can withstand whatever comes your way and lead your children to do the same. Listen Now

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Mom’s Night

Speaker: Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth Join us on Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. (shortly after the last session of the day ends) for a mom’s night celebration! You won’t want to miss this evening of encouragement! This will be a sweet opportunity to interact, share, pray, and fellowship with other moms. Your heart will be refreshed […]

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The Four Watches of Mothering – First, Second, Third, and Fourth

Speaker: Nancy Campbell There are four watches (or seasons) of mothering. Find out what they are and how to be faithful and watching in each stage of motherhood. We must not give up until we get to the end! Listen Now

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Create a Healing Home

Speaker: Nancy Campbell One of the words for family in the Bible is “therapeia” which means “therapeutic care, healing.” Learn how to create a home that is healing to body, soul, and spirit. Listen Now

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