The search will only search posts related to: 2020. The content is sorted by most recent.

Responding Biblically to Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

Speaker: Lisa Schmidt Most of us know that worry is wrong, so we disguise it with different terms like, “concerned,” “troubled,” or “bothered.” Regardless of the term used, worry saps our energy, drains our joy, destroys evangelism, and even aggravates many physical ailments. The Bible is clear that worry is sinful, idolatrous, and a sign […]

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Fully Whelmed – Shifting from Overwhelm to Overflow

Speaker: Lisa Dettinger Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10b). Are you living an abundant Life or are you struggling to keep your head above water? Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by homeschooling, health, relationships, responsibilities, or all of those at once, there is a solution. Romans 12:2 […]

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What Teens and Tweens Should Know About the French Revolution

Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar History is a great teacher. This is particularly true of the French Revolution when “good guys go bad!” Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, for blood-curdling, drama-filled, heart-wrenching events of the French Revolution and why they matter today. (Students are welcome!) Listen Now

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The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar Women, do you need to get real about homeschool and the joy and pain of life? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, for this down-to-earth session on the up and down seasons of a real homeschool family. With 17 years of homeschool experience, she will share “the […]

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The Dark Side of Socialism

Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar An alarming number of U.S. millennials favor “socialism” as a means of government. What is socialism? What does history teach us about socialism? What is the dark side of socialism? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, for a historical overview of socialism and why it matters now! […]

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The Sensory Child

Speaker: Linda Kane There may be nothing vaguer, scarier or uncertain then receiving a label of Autism for your child. If your child hasn’t been labeled Autistic, but has many of the sensory seeking behaviors, what do you do? There are many opinions and therapies for treating Autism or sensory issues. What works? The costs […]

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Home Educating When There Are Challenges

Speaker: Linda Kane Whether your child has a special needs label, a learning disability concern or they are just not learning like they should, this is the session for you. We will give insight and understanding into why your child/children are struggling and what to do to turn those struggles around. Your child’s potential is […]

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How to Help Kids and Teens Study the Bible and Grow in Faith

Speaker: Kim Sorgius Whether you have toddlers or teens, we all have a desire to see our kids walk with the Lord and grow in faith. In this session, we will explore fun and simple ways to teach your kids to have regular devotional study, a meaningful prayer life, and engaging family discussions. Listen Now

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The Once a Year Plan – Taking the Overwhelm Out

Speaker: Kim Sorgius So you’ve got a box full of unused planners and half erased lesson plan books. Trust me, you’re not alone! There is a simple way to plan your whole school year in just ONE week. Reclaim your Sunday nights and your sanity by joining veteran homeschool mom, Kim Sorgius, for this session. […]

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To Teach or NOT to Teach

Speaker: Kim Sorgius Are we pushing too hard or doing too little? Are we teaching the right things at the right time? Will there be gaps? This session is all about fostering a love of learning while still meeting the academic needs of your kids and keeping the important things in focus. Listen Now

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Embracing and Accomodating for Autism

Speaker: Kris Miller Children on the autism spectrum have unique language and learning difficulties as well as social challenges, yet no two are alike. This workshop will provide strategies and resources for accommodating learning differences which these children often demonstrate. It will also provide direction for families who must advocate for their children within the […]

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But How Will I Teach Them To Read

Speaker: Laura MacFarlan Reading is the foundation of every subject we teach. Before moving on to history, science, or literature, a child must first be able read. We all understand this truth, but it’s intimidating to many homeschool parents. The rules of phonics, mastering letter sounds, understanding the plethora of exceptions in the English language […]

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Building a Bullet-Proof Faith

Speaker: Lenny Esposito The stats are clear. Once they leave home, Christian kids are leaving the church in alarming numbers. How can we help young believers stand up to the continual onslaught of peer-pressure, professors, and pop culture pushing them away from the faith? In this session, noted apologist Lenny Esposito provides parents and young […]

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You Can Trust God to Write Your Story

Speaker: Lepine and Wolgemuths Who doesn’t love a good story? God is the master Storyteller. He’s writing your story and it’s a part of His bigger, grander, eternal Story. But we’re still in the middle; we haven’t gotten to the happy ending yet, and it can be hard to trust Him in the thick of […]

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For the Heart Of Your Homeschool

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Homeschooling is a great thing. It provides the finest quality, tailored education your children can have, and it gives you the opportunity to build relationships, explore the world together, and so much more. But, homeschooling is not an end in itself. Rather, homeschooling is a fantastic tool for discipleship and growth. In […]

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Rethink Education

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Now, more than at any other time in history, thousands of families are RETHINKING EDUCATION every day. Many of these families have the same big, scary questions that are holding them back from starting on the journey that lies before them. In this session, we’ll answer of the questions that are truly […]

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Thinking Foundationally – The Revelance of Genesis

Speaker: Ken Ham This Keynote develops how to equip generations with the correct foundation and worldview to be able to impact secularists, the church and the culture with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. How do we witness in a world where we are confronted with a gender revolution, abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, […]

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The Way You Pray Will Change the Way You Parent

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Are you strategic in the way you pray for your children? For your husband? For yourself? Let’s look together at how God will fundamentally change the way you approach parenting, marriage, and every other area of your life through the way you pray. Then, we will all spend some time praying together […]

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7 Proven Parenting Tips to Raising Christian Kids

Speaker: Kevin Conover This session will help parents understand 7 factors in parenting that social science has demonstrated have a dramatic impact on whether or not children embrace their faith and are actively engaged in living out their faith after high school. Parents will be given practical tips that can be put into practice right […]

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Artists of the Renaissance that Everyone Ought to Know

Speaker: Linda Hobar Need to brush up on art history? Want a better grasp on the masters of the Renaissance? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series, The Mystery of History, for a delightful presentation of six major artists of the Renaissance that everyone ought to know. This fact-filled lecture includes beautiful family-friendly […]

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Stunning Historical Discoveries that Give Proof for the Bible

Speaker: Kevin Conover What reason is there to believe that the Bible isn’t just a book full of fairy tales? Discover 12 historical evidences that the stories recorded in the Bible actually happened. Learn how to respond to your skeptical friends and relatives when they ask how you know the Bible is true. Listen Now

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Building Strong Foundation for Learning – At Any Age

Speaker: Linda Kane What you do the first five years of life will impact your child’s learning for life. Those “preschool years” are critical for building a strong foundation for all children. The potential of any individual is based upon the opportunities and stimulation presented to them. When enhanced and targeted stimulation is introduced in […]

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The Amazing Scientific Accuracy of the Bible

Speaker: Kevin Conover According to recent research, 72% of Generation Z, those born between 2000-2015, don’t believe that church teachings and science are compatible. This session will cover 7 amazing scientific facts recorded in the Bible thousands of years before modern science discovered them, demonstrating that the God of the Bible is the God of […]

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