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It Is Well | 10

We have a unique opportunity to show our children faith in action, peace in action, and a knowledge of and love for Jesus in action in ways that may even be more clear than we’ve experienced before. Today, we’re discussing a couple of very practical ways to combat anxiety and to create a more peaceful […]

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What Love Does, Part 2– Not Puffy or Parade-y | 9

This week in our study of what love does, we have 2 negatives to discuss. Love is not puffy or parade-y. We’ll see that those pride-filled responses can go a long way towards destroying our relationships and platform within our home instead of strengthening them. Additional ResourcesDownload the worksheet that accompanies this lesson. It has […]

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What Love Does, 2 Positives and a Negative | 8

We learned last week that Biblical love is always self-sacrificing. Ezilon.com defines agape love this way, “Unconditional love that is always giving and impossible to take or to be a taker. It devotes total commitment to seeking your highest and best no matter how anyone will respond. This form of love is totally selfless and […]

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Love Is | 7

The world in which we live has so derailed, exploited, and even abused the idea of love, it’s important for us to truly understand what Biblical love actually is as we are working towards becoming the mom we want our children to have. So, this week, that’s exactly what we’re looking at. Love. Agape, Biblical […]

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Prayer | 6

We all know the importance of having a vibrant prayer life, but for so many moms, finding time or avoiding distractions is a huge struggle. Today, I wanted to share with you a few strategies for praying that I have found to be life-changing and have made my prayer times so much more impactful and […]

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What If – How Would You Educate

Speaker: William Bortins When you were starting to consider what the best education system for you and your family would be, you were weighing out the pros and cons of one or more systems. In other words, you were trying to make a good choice between different sources. But did you ever stop to think […]

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What if- How Would You Educate

Speaker: Will McCreery When you were starting to consider what the best education system for you and your family would be, you were weighing out the pros and cons of one or more systems. In other words, you were trying to make a good choice between different sources. But did you ever stop to think […]

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Secrets to Developing Christ-like Character

Speaker: Wayne Musson “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6. This verse tells the importance of children learning Christ-centered character not only for now, while they are young, but also for when they are grown. Successful people in life […]

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The Grumble Free Home

Speaker: Tricia Goyer The Grumble-Free Year followed Tricia Goyer’s family as they tried to go complaint-free in order to develop hearts of gratitude. While an entire year without grumbling seemed like an impossible challenge, Tricia shares her family’s plans, successes, failures, and all the lessons learned along the way. Your family will walk away with […]

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How to Write a Novel

Speaker: Tricia Goyer One of the most frequently asked questions I get is, “How do you write a novel?” Almost anyone can write a novel, but it takes time, persistence and skill. From tool recommendations to my writing journey, learn what steps you can take to write a novel. Listen Now

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Homeschooling Adopted Kids

Speaker: Tricia Goyer As a mom of ten children (seven through adoption), Tricia Goyer understands the unique homeschooling challenges that often come with adoption, including dealing with: special needs, past trauma, lack of relationship, chaos, learning disabilities, and so much more. Tricia provides practical ideas for helping kids reach their potential, yet also accepting children […]

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Dare to Dream, Mom

Speaker: Tricia Goyer Have you ever told yourself, “After the kids are grown, then I’ll follow my dreams”? Tricia has a message for you. What does God have for you NOW? Yes, we want to love, give, and care for our family, but God also wants us to influence others for His glory. Tricia Goyer […]

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You Can Be a Smiling Homeschooler!!!

Speaker: Todd Wilson You started this homeschooling journey because you thought it was going to be fun. You envisioned yourself teaching your children and smiling through each day. Then something happened. You stopped smiling. There’s a reason for that and some things you can do to bring back those smiles not only for yourself but […]

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What to Do When Your Plan Doesn’t Go According to Plan

Speaker: Todd Wilson I’ve talked to plenty of homeschooling parents who were sold a plan. They followed the plan and then later stood before me with tears in their eyes because the plan “didn’t come together.” “We did everything THEY said to do,” they say. “We didn’t have TV…we homeschooled…we ate organic…we only wore dresses…we […]

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This, We Believe!

Speaker: Todd Wilson Dads and moms, in all the busyness of life and swell of expert advice, we’ve forgotten the fundamental truths of homeschooling and family. In short, we’ve forgotten why we do what we do. We have plenty of “how tos” but have forgotten the “why tos” and it evidences itself in our lack […]

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Priority Homeschooling

Speaker: Todd Wilson For over ten years now, I have been reminding moms and dads of the truth behind homeschooling. I tell them it’s about relationships and letting their children be what God has created them to be, and blah blah blah blah blah… Moms often come up to me and say, “I believe everything […]

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Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom

Speaker: Todd Wilson It’s a fact! The only thing tougher than being a homeschooling mom is…being married to a homeschooling mom! Dad, your wife needs your help. Come join me as we discuss how to support and assist our wives in the homeschooling journey. We’ll also do a lot of laughing, as I encourage men […]

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A Plan for Healthy Parenting

Speaker: Todd Wilson I don’t even have a write up for this…but the idea is parenting the fine line between over controlling and non-protecting. We’ve swing back and forth from trying to control every aspect of their growing up…wanting to protect them from all the crud we experienced….to allowing influences into their lives that lead […]

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A Biblical Diagnosis of Suicide and Depression

Speaker: Todd Friel Homeschoolers are not immune to the current suicide epidemic. Does the Bible have anything to contribute to the conversation? Absolutely. Learn why so many kids are contemplating suicide, and how you can help your child not become one of them. Listen Now

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12 Tools to Help Your Child Not Become Depressed

Speaker: Todd Friel Our 2,000 year old holy book is 100% relevant. If we apply its truths to our children’s hearts, we will equip them to battle depression and suicidal ideations. Listen Now

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Parenting in a Tech World

Speaker: Titania Jordan You don’t get your kids a bike without a helmet. You don’t let them ride in a car without a seatbelt. You also don’t let them use technology without knowing the dangers of the digital landscape and how to avoid them. Just in case you need a refresher course, this session will […]

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