Round Rock 2021

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How to Cut Your Grocery Spending & Grocery Budget Formula Workshop

Speaker: Erin Chase In this interactive workshop, we’ll look at the 5 most common grocery shopping mistakes that result in overspending and that terrible feeling that you’re flushing money away each week. We will also work through my “grocery budget formula” to determine how much you should be spending. Then, we’ll talk about what you […]

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Six Magic Phrases That Will Transform Your Homeschool: Overlooked Strategies and Tactics That Will Have You Say, “Why Didn’t I Think of That?!”

Speaker: Antoinette Lagrossa Did you know that the way you phrase things can change your child’s whole outlook on the day? Use Montessori’s powerful techniques to make the most of both verbal and nonverbal communication with your child. Set the stage for your child to become a principled, self-directed learner who takes ownership of their […]

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Lessons Learned in Four Decades of Homeschool Involvement

Speaker: Ruth Adams In her talk “Lessons Learned in Four Decades of Homeschool Involvement” Ruth Adams, homeschooling Mama to seven, shares about homeschool history and culture and gives warning against falling into ditches along the journey. She admonishes parents to take a Biblically balanced approach to discipling the hearts of their children for Christ. Ruth […]

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Teenagers Don’t Have to Be a Nightmare

Speaker: Todd Friel Americans assume that the teenage years will be turbulent. That is a lie. When a family applies God’s three rules for every family, the teenage years don’t have to be a nightmare. Listen Now

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Taming Your CHILD’S Tongue

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Are you ever embarrassed or shocked by what comes out of your child’s mouth? Based on her newest book, I Can’t Believe You Just Said That, Ginger provides a practical, three-step plan to reach beyond the behaviors of tongue-related struggles—such as lying, defying, and manipulating—to address your child’s heart. After all, as […]

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6 Tools for Self-Educating

Speaker: Sonya Shafer With the right tools, your student will be equipped and eager to continue learning for his entire life. Give your child practice with six practical tools now, and you will be amazed at how well he transitions into being a self-learner. Come learn what the six tools are and how to use […]

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Love What God Loves: Why Every Christ-Follower Should Stand for Life

Speaker: Heidi St. John “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.” Proverbs 31:8 NLT With perhaps the exception of homosexuality and gay marriage, no other issue stirs the heart people more than abortion. Abortion has become one of the most persistently debated topics in America. Few people […]

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The Peaceful Preschool

Speaker: Jennifer Pepito In this workshop Jennifer will provide many ideas for using picture books, projects and independent work to meet the developmental needs of young children while teaching your school age students. You will hear scheduling ideas, book and game recommendations as well as humorous stories of how she managed to care for her […]

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Homeschooling Many Grades and Ages…Keeping Your Sanity and Keeping It Simple

Speaker: September McCarthy For those of us teaching many children, in multiple grades and wondering if we are giving them the best education and keeping our wits about us, this workshop is for YOU! September has ten children over the past 24 years and has a storehouse of ideas, tips and encouragement for the family […]

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Parents, YOUR Worldview is Vital – Your Kids are Watching!

Speaker: Roger Wheelock The church in America is being pummeled today because Christians have not been taught to battle the ideas that come against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:4-5). In support of that statement, consider these facts: 1. The church is not only NOT taking ground back from the enemy in the culture […]

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Giving Your Teen Direction in an Uncertain Year

Speaker: Matthew Bullington How can you give your teen guidance on planning for a career path when the whole world seems to be upside-down? The past year has brought a lot of changes to the college-prep process, from test-optional application options, changing deadlines, and rapidly evolving standardized exams. We’ll cover the biggest changes for the […]

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Don’t Scare the Children! Learning the Fear of the Lord

Speaker: Dennis Gundersen “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”, Proverbs tells us. And our children start at the beginning, so it’s clear: they must learn the fear of the Lord from us. But most Christian parents have little idea how to impart this perspective on life to their children. We want […]

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28 Days to Family Language Learning

Speaker: Tami Renai Ruiz Learning, or maintaining, more than one language is possible even in your busy lifestyle! Based on the book, “28 Days to Family Language Learning, this workshop gives an overview of how to determine goals and plan how to integrate new or heritage languages into the daily routine. It is the first […]

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Resiliency Rescues: Helping Children Break Bad Habits

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch Do your children repeat unhealthy choices? Are they not changing their behaviors? Their mindset matters. How can we help them believe truth and change their mindset so their behaviors change? They need to develop resiliency – the choice and ability to make changes and to try something new. Learn how to […]

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R.E.A.L. L.I.F.E. Homeschooling

Speaker: Heidi St. John Let’s face it. Homeschooling is challenging. Sometimes it can feel like a major accomplishment just to take a shower and get the breakfast dishes cleaned up before dinner! Most homeschool moms feel the pressure of providing their children with a solid academic foundation ~ but there’s so much more to homeschooling […]

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The Impossible Is God’s Comfort Zone

Speaker: Kate Battistelli Deep down you know you’re on this planet for a reason. God has a plan in mind just for you. In fact, He chose you for it before the foundation of the world. Is God daring you to hold on to that dream you barely recall? Or step out in faith to […]

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Charlotte Mason and Her Methods

Speaker: Sonya Shafer Join Sonya for a practical and encouraging overview of the simple yet effective methods used in the Charlotte Mason approach. You will learn about Charlotte and experience using her methods for yourself during the session. Listen Now

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Is It 1984 Yet?

Speaker: Bill Potter Many Christians are panicking as they read the daily news of pagan cultural triumphs across our nation and the demonizing of all that is holy and good. George Orwell’s 1930s dystopian novel of Socialism in practice, 1984, is often cited as a prophetic literary classic that is coming true in our own […]

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3 Strategies to Encourage a Love of Learning {Christian Leadership Series Part 2}

Speaker: Kerry Beck Are your kids “less than” motivated to love learning? Do you want to inspire your kids to love learning for a lifetime? Kerry used 3 simple strategies in her homeschool to give her kids a love of learning. Come discover these simple techniques you can use everyday in your homeschool. We will […]

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The Serpent!

Speaker: Mike Snavely The fear of snakes is understandable. Right at the outset of history, the Bible records an astounding verbal exchange between the serpent and the second human God made. Immediately following the results of this exchange, everything fell apart! Mankind, the serpent, and even nature itself were all placed under a curse! How […]

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Equipped to Conquer: Homeschooling When There are Challenges

Speaker: Linda Kane Struggling with learning challenges and special needs often makes school difficult, the environment negative, and leaves the parents feeling hopeless. There IS hope and help that can turn the entire situation around! You can do it! You CAN homeschool when there are challenges! Your child is precious! Whether they have a special […]

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Boys and Media

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young How do you teach a young man to keep his way pure when the red-light district is riding around in his pocket – or his friend’s? How can you help a boy think about the future when he only wants to game all day? Media addiction and porn are derailing […]

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Pitchin’ a Fit: Overcoming Angry and Stressed-Out Parenting

Speaker: Israel Wayne Everyone struggles with anger on some level, but when anger is a frequent occurrence with your children, over time, it will damage your relationships and hinder your effectiveness. Are you tired of being stressed-out, and ready to have a peaceful atmosphere in your home? Learn how in this important workshop. Listen Now

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