Round Rock 2021

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Relax Your Homeschool for Academic Success

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young Is it possible to have well-educated kids without drowning in a sea of drudgery? All five of Hal & Melanie’s homeschool graduates were offered academic scholarships to great colleges, even though they’ve been very relaxed homeschoolers – once Melanie got her feet underneath her! Learn the difference between learning and […]

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Five to Thrive: Help Your Children Become Whole and Meet Their Core Needs

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch Children have five legitimate needs that drive their wants, choices, actions, and attitudes. (You have the same five needs.) When God meets their needs, children will be whole, emotionally well, content, and so much more. Learn how to parent so their needs are met in God and other healthy ways. You’ll […]

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Avoiding and Recovering from Homeschool Mistakes

Speaker: Israel Wayne Drawing from over 40 years of experience in the home-education movement, Israel will help you to avoid some of the top errors many parents make in the homeschooling process. The tips offered in this session can save you hundreds of dollars and perhaps years of regret from committing these costly errors. Listen […]

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Leadership Lessons for Our Sons from George Washington, Robert E. Lee, and Winston Churchill

Speaker: Bill Potter Our children are the future of our country and the Church. They must be trained to stand in the day of battle, lead when others falter, and live lives that exemplify character, courage, and perseverance. We do not have to invent historical examples of such leaders, nor despair because such men are […]

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COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates, Other Medical Issues, and Your Parental Rights

Speaker: Bradley Pierce Politicians and bureaucrats across the country are getting ready to push a new vaccine on children, even when parents object. This could result in a tidal wave of attacks upon many homeschoolers across the country. As an experienced parental rights attorney, Heritage Defense attorney Bradley Pierce will discuss what parental rights challenges […]

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A Life Giving Education

Speaker: Brandi McIntosh Join Brandi as she explores the three parts of a life giving education: atmosphere (the family culture), discipline (the importance of healthy habit training), and life (an education that is a delight). From her 19 years of parenting and 13 years of home educating, she’ll share from her heart on family rhythms, […]

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Write That Book: Going from Idea to Published Book

Speaker: Tricia Goyer Have you ever thought about writing a book? Tricia Goyer, author of 70 books, shares step-by-step instruction on how to build a writing career from home. Tricia started writing in 1994. She managed to grow a writing career while also homeschooling her ten children. Tricia shares what to do, what not to […]

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Creating A Grateful Home: Way Beyond Please and Thank You!

Speaker: David Nunnery Gratitude is so powerful in the heart of a believer. It will transform your home, your heart, and your mind. It will improve your platform for teaching, heal your marriage, and so much more. Listen Now

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Table Manners Essentials for the Whole Family

Speaker: Monica Irvine Let’s imagine…your children chew with their mouths closed, don’t make weird noises at the table, never announce what they don’t like at the table, sit still and respectfully while eating, show sincere gratitude each and every time they are served a meal, allow their elders to go first, never forget to ask […]

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Lessons from Esther: Peace in Times of Fear

Speaker: Heidi St. John In stressful situations, can you prayerfully wait for God’s direction and timing? Today we are surrounded by a culture that is opposed to the principles of God’s word. It’s easy to succumb to fear: “What if I miss something?” “I know I’m supposed to do this… but WHAT IF I ruin […]

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Escapism: Avoiding the Snares of Media

Speaker: Chuck Black In today’s technology culture, the enemy’s lure of our young people’s minds to escape into an artificial world is great. As the line between reality and simulation blurs, the stronghold of escapism becomes more and more powerful. Apathy and self-indulgence are two destructive consequences that lead to broken relationships, broken homes, and […]

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Taming Your Tongue

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Do you find yourself threatening, repeating your instructions, or raising your voice in an attempt to get your children to obey? Do you feel guilty because you know you should be faithfully training and instructing your children in righteousness but you aren’t sure how? Through personal experience and practical application of Scripture, […]

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Knowing the Times and What We Should Do as Homeschooling Parents

Speaker: Frederic Gray In 1 Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar are described as “”knowing the times and what they should do.”” In our rapidly changing culture, understanding how best to navigate our lives as lights in the world is critical. This talk will empower you to train your children to make a powerful impact […]

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Is This a Stupid Question?

Speaker: Eileen Chevalier Are there stupid questions? Are there dangerous ones? Can questions direct the course of your life? Which questions are you asking and what are you learning from them? Join Eileen Chevalier to ask what makes a great question and explore their power, for good or ill. Listen Now

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Conquering Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Other Learning Challenges!

Speaker: Linda Kane Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Learning Disabilities are not diseases. They are not permanent obstacles that an individual must learn to settle and live with. A person with these labels does not need coping or compensating skills. These are all symptoms of neurological disorganization. Don’t live with them….eliminate them! When you go to […]

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Responding Biblically to Marital Conflict

Speaker: Lisa Schmidt Marital conflict began with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Neither of them was willing to take responsibility for their own personal sin and instead blamed someone else for it. Not surprisingly, we still do the same thing today. We blame our spouse, our children, our parents, our past, our circumstances and […]

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Protect Your Child from Video Game Addiction

Speaker: Olivia Bruner A deep dive into the brain science behind video game dependency, persuasive design, typical warning signs, common mistakes parents make, and how to reclaim your child from the toxic world of video games. Listen Now

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Stunning Historical Discoveries That Give Proof for the Bible

Speaker: Kevin Conover What reason is there to believe that the Bible isn’t just a book full of fairy tales? Discover 12 historical evidences that the stories recorded in the Bible actually happened. Learn how to respond to your skeptical friends and relatives when they ask how you know the Bible is true. Listen Now

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Parenting Tweens and Pre-Teens

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young The turmoil of the preteen years usually catches parents by surprise. Diligent students become addled and distracted. Kids raised in church start questioning the existence of God. Sweet children climb on an emotional rollercoaster – and invite you to join them. Don’t get a ticket for that ride! Resist the […]

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Influence vs. Control: How to Best Motivate Your Child

Speaker: Israel Wayne There is a careful tension that must be maintained between being your child’s authority figure and being their life coach. There is a necessary shift in approach that must take place as your children go through various stages of development. If this transition is not carefully managed, your parenting approach will likely […]

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This, We Believe!

Speaker: Todd Wilson Dads and moms, in all the busyness of life and swell of expert advice, we’ve forgotten the fundamental truths of homeschooling and family. In short, we’ve forgotten why we do what we do. We have plenty of “how tos” but have forgotten the “why tos” and it evidences itself in our lack […]

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Live to Love with Jesus: Experience Freedom and Joy in Parenting

Speaker: Norm Wakefield We all know we are supposed to love our spouses and our children, but that’s much easier said than done. Norm provides insight into the hindrances to the flow of love and the secret to loving with Jesus that results in freedom and joy. Listen Now

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Homeschool Methods 101

Speaker: Jamie Erickson Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Unit Study, Project-Based Learning, Waldorf, Traditional Textbook, Unschooling, and the list goes on and on! There are so many different teaching methods and approaches to homeschooling that it can sometimes be overwhelming to choose just one. They all have their strengths. But then again, they all have their struggles. […]

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The Pillars of Evolution

Speaker: Mike Snavely In this session we define “science” and illustrate the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, the three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. The purpose of this session is not only to show […]

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