Round Rock 2021

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The Power of Humility in Parenting

Speaker: Norm Wakefield When parents display humility, their children are attracted not only to them, but to Christ. You’ll be encouraged as you see the power of humility in the lives of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. You’ll learn how you can grow in humility and add tremendous value to your relationship with your […]

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Calming Angry and Anxious Kids

Speaker: Tricia Goyer You don’t know how to control your child’s anger, anxiety and strong-will. You feel hopeless, fearful of your child’s future, and angry yourself. Tricia shares her own deeply personal experiences of trying to help her challenging kids. She shares her honest feelings and things she’s learned to help you help your child. […]

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Responding Biblically to Fear, Worry and Anxiety

Speaker: Lisa Schmidt Most of us know that worry is wrong, so we disguise it with different terms like, “concerned,” “troubled,” or “bothered.” Regardless of the term used, worry saps our energy, drains our joy, destroys evangelism, and even aggravates many physical ailments. The Bible is clear that worry is sinful, idolatrous, and a sign […]

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How to Get Your Kids to Hate Learning

Speaker: Todd Wilson The homeschool movement coined and promoted the idea of fostering a LOVE of learning…and yet most homeschooling moms have fostered a “hate” of learning. Instead of inspiring their children to love exploration, discovery, and learning, all of which homeschool SHOULD foster, moms find their children fighting them tooth and nail to “do […]

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Only You Can Do It! Becoming The Mom (or Dad) You Want Your Children To Have.

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Whether by birth or by choice, you are called to love your children deeply and to teach them diligently—and that specific privilege of being their mom and dad is reserved for you alone! During this hour, we’ll explore how you can become the mom or dad you really want your children to […]

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What If You Could Use your Time in High School to Actually Learn a Foreign Language that Will Help You Become a Way More Successful Adult?

Speaker: Adelaide Olguin Does your teen roll their eyes at the thought of having to learn a foriegn language in order to graduate high school? I remember not being as excited about learning Spanish in high school as I was about making sure I got an A in class- even though I wasn’t actually speaking […]

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From Boys to Men: The Goal is Not Well Behaved Children but Godly Adults

Speaker: Jeff Reep You will hear a Biblical perspective on parenting, firmly rooted in the belief that God gives instruction in Scripture and the Holy Spirit empowers parents by His grace to carry out the instructions. After raising 5 boys to men and investing 26 consecutive years of homeschooling, you’ll learn 2 keys for successful […]

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How to Teach Purity to Your Children

Speaker: Frederic Gray In a world where purity seems to be a virtue that is becoming obsolete, it is more urgent than ever that we as parents help our children live lives of purity—both inwardly and outwardly. Find out how to teach purity to your children, and how you can take advantage of the opportunities […]

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Hot Topics in the Texas Legislature

Speaker: Jackie Schlegel The Texas legislative session only lasts for 140 days every two years, and it is now well underway. Over 7,000 bills will be proposed, but perhaps few will address topics as significant as we have planned for this meeting: vaccines. Will Texas mandate vaccines for all under the fear of Covid? Will […]

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Reaching the Heart of Your Child

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Based on Ginger’s best-selling book, Don’t Make Me Count to Three! There is far more to parenting than getting children to “act” right. We have to get them to “think” right and to be motivated out of a love of virtue rather than a fear of punishment. Ginger equips parents to reach […]

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Rewiring Our Hearts

Speaker: Dakota Lynch In a time when darkness and confusion prevail, God’s Word is the ultimate source of light and understanding. Learn how (and why) to “rewire” your heart through Scripture memorization. Listen Now

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Created To Be

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch As Dr. Kathy shares her story, you’ll be able to see yours more clearly. Why were you created? What about your children? Who are they and who are they becoming? You and your children will be inspired by Chatty Kathy’s too-tall, spelling-is-challenging, low-voice reality and how it’s God’s perfect design for […]

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Dual Enrollment: When, Where, Why and How?

Speaker: Stephen Buettell There’s a national trend for students to take college classes while still in high school at increasingly younger ages. This presentation will provide an overview of how parents can know if their child is “college ready” and what students should consider before enrolling in a dual credit course. Listen Now

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Struggling Learners in High School and College

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young At eleven, one of our boys was just learning to read and at fourteen he still struggled to spell three-letter words. Little did we know that he’d be reading ancient philosophers for fun at seventeen and that he’d go to college on a full academic scholarship! In this workshop, we’ll […]

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Teaching History and Making it Classical, Memorable and Fun

Speaker: Jennifer Pepito In this workshop Jennifer will show you how to use the Charlotte Mason and Classical methods to make the study of history your child’s favorite subject. She offers practical techniques for using great children’s literature, timelines and projects to make history come alive for your students, as well as incorporating other subject […]

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Do You REALLY Want To Be a Veterinarian?

Speaker: J. Aaron Gruben Many families have a child who wants to be a veterinarian, but few are aware of the difficulties plaguing the field today. This workshop by a homeschooled practicing veterinarian will examine some of the difficulties you will face in vet school and after you get out. We’ll also look at some […]

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Choosing a Major/College/Career: It’s Better to Get It Right Than Fast

Speaker: Jeff Reep In light of the fact that 66% of college students change their majors more than once and on the day of graduation 40% of college graduates wish they had a different major, it’s important to start early and take this decision seriously. Individuals often make decisions without much thought and with limited […]

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Beyond Book Reports: Integrating literature to enhance learning for all ages

Speaker: Andrea Elston This workshop will support home educators in using their favorite books to engage even the most reluctant learner by providing resources and methods to find the educational value and curricular application in just about any piece of literature. From Mr. Popper’s Penguins, to Pride and Prejudice, this session will shine a light […]

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4 Steps to Raising Christian Leaders in Your Homeschool {Christian Leadership Series Part 1}

Speaker: Kerry Beck Do you want your kids to influence the world when they grow up? Most homeschoolers continue to offer their children the same type of education they received; they just do it at home. There’s a better way! Kerry reveals how she homeschooled her three kids to give them a love of learning, […]

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Incredible Evidence of a Worldwide Flood

Speaker: Kevin Conover If there really was a Noah’s Flood what kind of evidence would we expect to find? Explore evidence from all over the world that the flood recorded in the Bible was a real historical event. From geological formations that could only have been formed by massive amounts of water, to marine fossil […]

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Overcoming Middle School Blues: Why Your Children Are Failing at Math and How to Turn Them Around

Speaker: Antoinette Lagrossa Does your middle school child struggle with math? Are you both dreading math time? Multi-sensory tips and Socratic questioning will help your struggling learner have a new outlook on math and overcome the middle school blues! Listen Now

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Staying One Step Ahead of Your Hungry Family with “Time Blocks”

Speaker: Erin Chase They say that the kitchen is the heart of home and that is certainly true in our home. I think that planning “time blocks” in the kitchen is one of the most important keys to keeping my home running smoothly, keeping “one step ahead” of myself, and not feeling like I’m drowning […]

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The Hunters and the Hunted

Speaker: Mike Snavely Using puppets and other visual illustrations, this session shows how life only displays design, order, and beauty – not lucky accident and chance. We cover three aspects of the natural world the evolutionist cannot explain – including amazing design, incredible instinct, and the general relative sizes of creatures compared to each other. […]

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The Power of Fiction: Influencing the Hearts of Our Youth

Speaker: Chuck Black Fictional stories are a powerful way to capture the attention of the young and old alike. Jesus used short fictional stories to explain the kingdom of God as did Nathan the prophet to bring a king to his knees in repentance. Discover how your use of fiction can get your children excited […]

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