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The Amazing Story of The Doolittle Raider and the Samurai

One of the boldest stratagems of the Second World War involved the bombing of Tokyo by a bomber group led by Col. Jimmie Doolittle. Jacob DeShazer, one of Doolittle’s raiders, led a life fleeing from God until his captivity as a prisoner of the Japanese. His story and that of the commanding Japanese pilot in the attack on Pearl Harbor, Mitsuo Fushida, intertwine in a way only God could orchestrate through a series of remarkable providences.

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No. 1 Homeschool Subject

Colin speaks about the incredible importance of daily Family Devotions for all homeschoolers, and how to make it an exciting time with the family, rather than religious. When God’s Word gets into the heart of your children the Holy Spirit will bring forth a harvest of fruit that will equip them to bring America back to God.

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Bible Based Homeschooling: Building a Firm Foundation

I have often said that I don’t care if my children know all the math and science in the world. If they don’t know God, then I haven’t done my job. What good is it to acquire knowledge without first having godly wisdom? Call me an underachiever, but what does it matter to be successful in the world’s eyes, but not God’s? Who defines success? I may be an underachiever by the world’s standards, but I am not looking for worldly achievement, but to make disciples, and that,?my friends, is eternal gain. Several years ago we experimented with using the Bible as our main textbook, and even though we have added in other resources since our Bible is still the book upon which we build our homeschool.

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God’s Blueprint for the Family: Father-Led Home-Based Discipleship

God has given direction to dads from the beginning of His relationship with the nation of Israel. The key is knowing God and loving Him with all your heart. How does a man do this? How can men be expressions of God’s heart to their families? Come, be encouraged and inspired to see the impact you can have on your family as you follow God’s blueprint.

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Beginning with the End in Mind

Confusion, discouragement and depression seem to be a way of life for many mothers. Life seems overwhelming and complicated, a maze of decisions and opportunities. Often discouragement comes from feeling lost along the journey of life. By beginning with what God considers to be the two most important priorities and planning our lives with that end in mind, life becomes less complicated and our paths become more clear. Learn how to simplify your decisions and your lives by God’s guiding priorities.

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Mistaken Identity: Living Under Grace in a Performance-Driven World

Homeschooling moms can often feel under the microscope of performance where success or failure depends on presenting the perfect family and children who always behave and achieve. This session will share how one mom learned to see things differently after the death of her husband and two of her nine children threw her family into chaos. Learn how she discovered that the gospel of grace offers hope and freedom to an imperfect family, even when the performance spotlight shines the brightest.

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The First Three Years: A Workshop for Homeschool Rookies

If homeschooling up until now feels more like drudgery than delight or if the thought of homeschooling makes your knees shake and your palms sweat, this is the workshop for you! Perhaps you’ve been hearing from “experts” that view homeschooling as just another form of education, like any other. Public schools think that way, but homeschooling is nothing like the school system. It’s just the opposite. Learning at home is an adventure, a journey, a new lifestyle. Although you’re nervous now, it’ll all be okay. Homeschooling is worth it. So sit back and relax. You’ll soon discover that homeschooling is a journey like no other.

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Sole Custody Grandparents

More and more grandparents have sole custody of their grandchildren and now more are stepping into the role of homeschooling their grandchildren. Come be encouraged and become equipped to know you are not alone in this journey! Listen Now

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Fathers Impart Identity

Norm shares four identity principles that explain how our lives are shaped and defined. A dad that understands these principles is equipped to anchor their children to withstand the onslaught of the world. These four identity principles will explain your own life and what defines you and give you insight into how to lead your children to discover their own identity in Christ.

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Prayers That Changed History: Teaching Our Kids to Have Effective Prayer Lives

Martin Luther. Sojourner Truth. Helen Keller. St. Patrick. We read their stories, and of other people like them, in history books and hear about the amazing things they did to change the world. But one part of the story is often left out: Each one of them wouldn’t have accomplished what they did without prayer.
Tricia Goyer gives parents tips on helping children to develop effective prayer lives, using stories of heroes of faith and Biblical examples of prayer.

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Aiming Our Arrows into Adulthood

As homeschooling parents, how can we prepare our children, to be arrows for God’s purposes? How can we prepare our hearts (through prayer and effective communication) to release our children to God? The Dunagan’s homeschooled for 27 years, teaching all seven of their children, all K-12 — all now launched into their adult life, in International Business, Engineering, Global Missions, Christian ministry, Education, and the Arts — with graduations, college success, joyful weddings, and many grandchildren! In this session, you’ll be encouraged, from a solid biblical foundation, for life beyond homeschooling – with next-generation purpose. Let’s aim and release our arrows, for the glory of God.

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Homeschooling Held Hostage

In the past fifteen years, we’ve seen a lot of changes in the homeschool community. There is much more pressure being put on homeschoolers to excel academically. We’ve gone from a few brave moms who, without access to mainstream curriculum, managed to give their children an excellent education, but we’ve forgotten what made it excellent. It was excellent because these moms had a vision for homeschooling. They weren’t trying to re-create school at home, they were simply being obedient to the One who had called them to be different. They knew that if He had called them, He would equip them. And they were right.

If you’re struggling to find joy in your calling as a homeschooling parent, if you’re looking for more LIFE in your homeschool, this is one workshop you won’t want to miss.

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Developing Discernment in Your Child

The enemy is a master at deception and often times our children fall prey to his lies. Teaching your child the ability to discern truth is critical to spiritual survival. Chuck offers sound advice and some practical tips on how to develop spiritual discernment in your children.

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Diagnosing Doubt

Doubt can be a master of disguise. Sometimes, what we think is the problem, isn’t actually the problem. It’s time to stop beating ourselves up for doubt, and start diagnosing where the doubt is coming from. You can’t always predict what life will throw at you (or your child), and the best defense is a good offense. Nobody wakes up one day and decides to doubt their Christian faith, but there are warning signs. The best you can do is be proactive by understanding the underlying causes, and learning how to spot little problems before they become big problems. In this session, we will discuss the 4 main areas where doubt gains a foothold. We will learn to recognize the symptoms of each, and develop strategies to identify and address the actual problem, no matter how it presents itself.

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Want to Be a Firefighter? Preparing Your Child for God’s Calling

God has a special calling for each of your children. It may be full-time ministry, engineering, or homemaking. Any legitimate job can be a vocation, and we should not put down certain types of work as less respectable. In this session, you’ll learn how to prepare your children through all of the academic subjects for whatever God calls them to do.

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“Teaching Your Children to Love the Ten Commandments”: Without Becoming Legalists!

What are we to “teach diligently” (Deut. 6:7)? The Ten Commandments (especially Deut. 5.) Dr. E. Calvin Beisner is the speaker in 23 video lectures on the Ten Commandments suitable for a home school semester or quarter. In this talk Dr. Beisner explains how to use that series and its study guide to lead your children to say, “Oh, how I love Your law!”(Psalm 119:97) without becoming prideful legalists! He shows how the law convicts us of sin, points us to Christ as Savior, and guides our conduct. He explains how it applies to every aspect of life: personal, familial, social, and political. The Ten Commandments once were widely honored in America, and that helped make our nation free, upright, and prosperous. Recent generations have turned from them, leading to tragic moral decay. If we are to have revival, the Ten Commandments will play a major role. Come and learn how God can use you to help spur such revival – beginning in your own home, and expanding from there!

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Stop Window Shopping for a Better Life – Letting Go of Mental Clutter

Our lives are saturated with information these days. Often we find ourselves scrolling through the Internet endlessly and we forget what we are even searching for. It’s like we are always looking for a better life out there, and forgetting to live the one in front of us. Our minds are becoming as cluttered as our homes. It’s time to focus and weed out the stuff that is hindering our day, our homeschools, and our minds. Philippians 4:8 is a great place to start filtering what we allow into our minds.

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Practical Conversations in a Smartphone World

If your parents didn’t teach you the facts of life, do you feel prepared to guide your kids in our overtly sexualized world? Today, kids are exposed early to pornography (think 8 to 11 years old). This session will arm you with tools and conversation starters that will help you empower your kids to not only look away from sexualized media, but also to confront our sex-obsessed culture. Trained kids make smarter decisions online.

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Becoming MomStrong

Today’s mothers are living in challenging times. We’re facing things that our mothers could never have imagined. Our lives are vastly different than the generation before us. Many moms are struggling with fear of the future and worry about raising children in today’s culture, but God says loud and clear, “Do not be afraid! Be strong and courageous!” Mom, you have a mission: to raise the next generation of teachers, doctors, judges, police officers, grocery store clerks, attorneys, nurses, and parents. Yes! You are raising the next generation of parents. It doesn’t take very long for one generation to hand the baton to the next, and, as mothers, we’ve got to be ready to prepare our children for whatever they may face as followers of Jesus Christ. Heidi will challenge as she talks about what it will take to “Become MomStrong”, drawing on truths from God’s Word to answer the tough questions this generation of kids is asking and prepare moms to meet the challenges head-on.

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Laying Down our Lives to Plant God’s Word

We all lay down our lives for something. Is it worth it? Come consider our calling to plant God’s word in light of 2 Timothy and a historical example from the Battle of Midway. Free booklet for all attenders.

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The Disciple Making Parent

God gives us eternal souls to influence. As parents, we should be disciplining these souls using God’s word. Looking to God for wisdom and direction in our parenting. Move from anxiety to confidence in what is best for your family. Listen Now

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