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Rethink Your Prayers

Are you strategic in the way you pray for your children? For your husband? For yourself? Let’s look together at how God will fundamentally change the way you approach parenting, marriage, and every other area of your life through the way you pray.   Additional Resources: Start one of the FREE prayer series to receive […]

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Mens Power Coffee

Whether your child pursues college or a career straight from high school, being sure they are well prepared is a daunting task. Learn keys to smooth transitions, admirable interviews, and admission portfolios from a mom/college admission counselor.

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Fill ‘Er Up

Our lives are meant to be fueled with God and His purpose for our lives! We get so busy with the different directions that life pulls us that we sometimes forget to rely on God and His power in our lives. Learn how to connect with God and His Word in order to fuel us […]

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The Discipling Mom

How do you live out developing discipleship toward your children. Our first priority is to disciple our children then we homeschool out of an overflow. As homeschoolers we have the opportunity to raise a generation of children who know how to disciple by following the example of Jesus. Listen Now

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Fighting for Those Hard to Handle Boys

You know, the ones who are 250% boy? Our society looks down on “those” boys who are often much more difficult to handle than their quieter counterparts, but their worth in God’s eyes is immeasurable. Brooke McGlothlin stirs up passion in boy moms’ hearts to fight for their hard-to-handle boys, and recognize the potential they […]

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Your Student and His Salvation

Your student and His Salvation — by speaker Ben Ice Your children’s salvation is the most important part of the homeschool journey.  Join Ben as he speaks about how to share salvation with your student. Listen Now

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Let Go: Resolving Conflicts and Restoring Relationships

The goal is to challenge families to go on mission in their cities, to help families see that they are missionaries in their context, and to teach their children from a young age that they are missionaries.

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Keeping Faith in the Family: Nurture, Discipleship, and Instruction in the Home

Clay Clarkson shares about bringing the life of God into your family life. How can you work to disciple your children and help them build their faith in Jesus Christ. Clay also speaks of homeschooling being the path of discipling children towards Jesus. This encouraging talk will enrich parents to pursue life with their children […]

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Daring Daughters: World Missions For Young Women

A well-ordered approach to history and literature allows students to follow history as it happened: In order, from ancient times through the present. A classical approach produces a well-rounded student who knows the stories from all of history??? whether ancient or modern, Biblical or secular??? that every educated person should know.

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The Titus 2 Woman: Is She Relevant for Today?

What are women supposed to teach and learn from one another? To love their husbands, love their children, and take care of their homes. Is that even relevant in our society today? Please join us for this intriguing workshop as we discover the timeless truths from God’s Word about our biblical role as women. Learn how to practically apply these truths in your own life and in the lives of your daughters and young women you disciple, and begin restoring biblical balance and unity in the home.

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How Praying for Your Children Will Affect How You Parent

https://media.blubrry.com/homeschooling_families/teachthemdiligently.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/audio_only-1.m4aThis week we’ll discuss another element of living boldly, praying boldly. We’ll talk about how the strategies we can take truly affect how we parent our children. God really put the pieces of this together for me as I was writing my book, and I’m excited to share those things this week with you! Just […]

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National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer has been around a long time. As we anticipate this special day next week, we’re going to take a closer look at prayer and how important it is in your homeschool.

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In April, we will take a look at being “over-kneaded” and how to make sure that does not affect your family or your homeschool. We’ll also talk about different field trip ideas, the arts in home education, and then we’ll finish up the month by considering the National Day of Prayer. Be sure to join us in April!

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Mission Minded Families

Hudson Taylor said, “The Great Commission is not an option to consider, it is a command to obey. For Christian homeschooling families, “World Missions” is more than an optional elective; instead, it’s a foundational worldview for training our children for God. In this session, you’ll glean from Jon and Ann’s global perspective, based on their three Mission-Minded books, many exciting homeschooling adventures, and over 25 years of remote mission evangelism to every continent on earth. Yet as Jon and Ann emphasize, “Missions is not just for missionaries; God’s call is for all.”

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My Mom Heart Matters: Reclaiming Motherhood, Shaping the Future

In a day when motherhood is no longer supported by culture, Christian moms with a biblical vision and calling need support and encouragement more than ever. Sally discusses not only the needs of mothers, but also the opportunity for ministry to moms.

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A Christian Philosophy of Education

The educational philosophy of the public schools could hardly be called Biblical.  The public schools have largely abandoned even feeble attempts at transmitting culture and literature.  Now their goal is simply to make students employable in the workplace and thus their focus is on the most basic, pragmatic skills.  As Christians, we need to think about why we are educating our children and what responsibilities the Bible gives to parents.  Our goal should be to help our children acquire wisdom and godly character.  The way we teach each subject needs to be examined in the light of those goals.

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Making Modern-day Missionaries

Too often we teach kids about God with no expectation that they can actually know Him, respond to His voice, or be used to spread His Good News.  This fun and interactive session will share with you insights and examples of how to get kids excited about serving the Lord!

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