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You Can Homeschool when Mom is Chronically Ill

When a parent is ill, many will encourage you to put your child back in school. You may feel guilty for being ill and feel like it would be better for your child to have healthy active adults leading their education. Your kids need YOU! Homeschooling is possible even with significant health issues. We understand because Chris is dealing with chronic illness and Heather is dealing with a life-shortening disease. Let us share why we chose to continue homeschooling and how to make it work for you and your children.

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Conquering Sibling Rivalry

So your kids fight. I know you think you’re the only one, but trust me when I tell you every single parent goes through this. It’s impossible to put two people in the same place without friction, but that doesn’t mean we must give in to the world’s combative view on siblings. God has a beautiful plan for this treasured relationship and fostering it isn’t quite as difficult as you think. Join Kim as she shares practical strategies you can implement today and life-changing truths that will impact your family for years to come.

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You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup – Making A Plan to Nurture Your Heart

Discouraged, depleted, and running on empty? Nurturing your heart is the key to finding joy as well as succeeding in teaching your children. Come learn how to fill your heart through spiritual growth and fellowship with other homeschool moms so you can pour love into your children every day.

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What’s a Mom to Do With Sons

What is a mother’s role with her son when he reaches the teenage years? When your son begins to identify with their father and how your role as a mother will change as your son grows up. Listen Now

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Following Our Father’s Example

God doesn’t just look on what is happening on the outside but he sees our hearts. If God is looking at our heart and desires to change our heart, then that should be our desire in our heart and our children’s heart. By looking at how God captures our hearts, we can learn to capture […]

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Does God Really Call Us to be SuperMoms?

Does anyone else find the Proverbs 31 woman intimidating? A lot of women use the Proverbs 31 as a list of “Check off” accomplishments. Reading Proverbs 31 might tempt us to become unsatisfied with our own family. The Proverbs 31 woman is used to teach us lessons, not to make us dissatisfied with our life […]

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Bible Study for Really Busy Mamas

Pam Forster Mommas should be studying the Bible, but finding time in the midst of raising kids can be challenging. This session will give helpful resources and tips for how busy moms can study the Bible and grow in their faith in Christ. Listen Now

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How to Have a HEART for your Kids

What do you do when you realize you do not have a heart for your kid and your heart is toward outsourcing your kids to other people? You can change this and have a heart for your kids!! Many moms think they love their kids but they don’t have a heart for their kids. Listen […]

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APPLES for the Teacher

The gift of a fresh, shiny apple still represents respect and gratitude towards one’s teacher. Why should it be any different for the homeschooling mom? They typically carry the lion’s share of the homeschooling workload. To help them avoid burnout, husbands need to help their wife avoid feeling 100% of the homeschooling responsibility. Your wife needs to hear “thank you” in many different ways and know for sure that you are engaged. In this session, Davis gives six real and practical ideas for supporting your wife in the homeschooling journey.

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Your Most Organized Homeschool Year Ever

Your Most Organized Homeschool Year Ever by speaker Esther Wilkison Are you ready to influence lasting transformation in your child? Discover these organizational strategies that will help you make this your most organized homeschool year ever! Listen Now

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Mothers Are Kingdom Builders

Our work as homeschooling mothers has tremendous eternal significance- we are truly building God’s Kingdom one family at a time. By developing strong families and rich relationships, helping our children discover their gifts and callings in life, and providing stimulating academics with a Biblical worldview, we are raising children, who, by God’s grace, can change the world for His glory.

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Don’t Miss The Gift In Your Child

Have you ever heard someone say, “All children are gifts from God,” only to roll your eyes and thing, “Ha! They don’t know what goes on in my house!” If you don’t look for God’s gifts, you may be missing some of His best.

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