“Mama, did you know that Noah’s ark was not cute like it is on nursery walls?”
That completely random statement came from my 10-year-old while we were driving to pick up her big sister from volleyball practice last week.
She went on. “It was really scary to people! We watched a 45-second video that showed what the earth may have looked like as the flood came, and it must have been horrifying.”
Not feeling that it was the best time to remind her that we had discussed that very fact and even watched that video together, I wanted to capitalize on that discipleship moment that was started during her geography class in co-op earlier that day.
“I know!” I replied, “Can you imagine how scary it must have been to see the waters coming at you like that? What was the only way those people could have been safe?”
“They had to be in the ark to be safe”
“That’s right. Only those in the ark were safe, but they were completely protected from the danger that was outside, weren’t they?
Did you ever think about the ark as pointing us to something even bigger? What is the only way for us to be truly safe—for always?”
“To be in Jesus.”
“Exactly, Jesus offered us safely for all eternity, didn’t He? He told us that whoever the Father puts in His hand, no one is able to pluck them out. Pretty amazing, huh?”
As we continued talking in the car, that exchange turned very personal for me. God impressed on my heart just how often I forget that I am safe; how often I allow the dangers all around me to distract and even paralyze me; and how much I need to be reminded just like I was reminding my daughter that no matter what big waves I see coming towards me, God will never let me go.
[Tweet “I need to be reminded just like I was reminding my daughter that no matter what big waves I see coming towards me, God will never let me go. “]
We turned “He will hold me fast” on the radio and sang along for the rest of the ride to the gym, but the Lord kept reminding me of those truths well beyond that short car ride. I am safe in Him. I can rely on Him. I can run to Him. He WILL hold me fast.
Praise the Lord that He often uses those discipleship moments we spend with our children to grow our own faith as well.
He will hold me fast.
When I fear my faith will fail,
Christ will hold me fast.
When the tempter would prevail,
He will hold me fast.
I could never keep my hold
Through life’s fearful path.
For my love is often cold.
He must hold me fast.He will hold me fast.
He will hold me fast.
For my Savior loves me so.
He will hold me fast.Those He saves are His delight.
Christ will hold me fast.
Precious in His holy sight,
He will hold me fast.
He’ll not let me soul be lost.
His promises shall last.
Bought by Him at such a cost.
He will hold me fast.For my life He bled and died.
Christ will hold me fast.
Justice has been satisfied.
He will hold me fast.
Raised with Him to endless life,
He will hold me fast.
Till our faith is turned to sight,
When He comes at last.He will hold me fast.
He will hold me fast.
For my Savior loves me so.
He will hold me fast.~Ada Habershonnew/ Matt Merker