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Nope, You Can’t Do Everything

It’s a common struggle for moms in general, but homeschool moms seem to really be hit with a sense guilt over what we do and don’t do. Are we really called to be involved in EVERY good opportunity we are presented? Let’s talk about that!

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A Woman of Remarkable Endurance

Desiring to be homeschool moms and wives who endure with hope in the race set before us, we will go over how to maintain JOY. The secret is something that we need to do daily (if not moment by moment). You will find this session encouraging as Brandy shows you that you can go through and come out of this journey with a smile on your face; not just surviving but thriving!

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Handfuls of Treasure: Embracing Busy Family Life

Spelling, Arithmetic, Reading, Dishes, Diapers, Laundry, Cooking….the list goes on and on! Homeschooling mothers wear so many hats. Busy family life can threaten to steal the realization that our hands are holding, guiding and directing eternal souls. This session focuses on recognizing treasure, laying it up in heaven, and loving the family God has given us.

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Live to Love With Jesus

Experience freedom and joy in satisfying relationships as you learn the difference between a counterfeit love and Jesus’ love, two hindrances to the flow of love, and God’s provision for establishing loving relationships. Everyone wants the homeschooling experience to be satisfying and enjoyable. However, parents and children can unknowingly make idols out of homeschooling and relationships which always results in control and disappointment. You’ll be encouraged as you hear how to live to love with Jesus.

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Training Girls to be Mission-Minded Women

As Christian families, let’s raise our daughters to DARE TO DREAM about God’s purposes, to DARE TO CRY for the needs of the world, and to DARE TO OBEY God’s Great Commission. In this session, you’ll be inspired by God’s passion for the lost and the needs of the world. As homeschooling families, let’s help our daughters to find God’s clarity for life, with a love for His Word, a commitment to live for Him, and a compassion for others.

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Encouragement for Young Moms

Training a child sounds a lot easier on paper than lived out in real life. Brook Wayne provides practical ways to train children, inspiring listening skills, initiating meaningful conversations, and gently guiding a child’s heart when correction is needed.

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What is a Mother To Do With Sons?

Many homeschool mothers grieve over the conflict that often occurs between them and their sons, especially as the enter the teen years. How does a mother handle the transition of her little boy as he begins to identify with his father and manhood? What is her role? What can she do to not alienate her son as she gives instruction? You learn the answers to these questions and more!

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Juggling Life and Lesson Plans

As a busy mom, do you sometimes struggle with lesson planning, keeping the house somewhat presentable, teaching, keeping up with the laundry, AND getting dinner on the table the same day you homeschool? Learn to apply 7 truths of juggling skills, to take your homeschool household from sanity-defying circus act to a more joyful journey!

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Learning to Trust Your Instincts as a Homeschooling Parent

We are bombarded with Pinterest, FaceBook and Instagram ideas on how to educate, raise, discipline, feed, and clothe our kids. But how will we really KNOW what’s best for our kids? How can we have peace about what we are doing at home? Find out some very doable ways to gain wisdom so that you can fulfill the purposes that GOD has for your family.

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Raising Christian Leaders Not Followers

Using Leadership style learning. This style of learning encourages children use the grid of Scripture while also thinking outside the box in a more critical way. Listen Now

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Even Tempered Mother

Speaker: Tabitha Philen Author of www.meetpenny.com. Real life tips to help moms overcome rage, anger, and depression. Not perfect but overcoming these struggles by the grace of God. Listen Now

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The SEVEN Most Important Things We’ve Learned in 25 Years of Marriage: A Workshop with Jay and Heidi St. John

“Transparent. Honest. Funny. Real.” That’s what people say when they hear the St. Johns speaking about the ups and downs of their union. If you’ve never heard Jay and Heidi speak together, now’s your chance. Join them for an hour that will encourage and inspire you as they share wisdom from 19 years of homeschooling and 26 years of marriage. This workshop is rated “M”? for marriage. Bring your spouse if you can!

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How to Help Your Kids Live Not Consumed

Speaker: Kim Sorgius We have read all the books. We study and prepare to be the best parent. We have the plan and we know exactly what to do, until our first child is born. This session takes the things that we thought we knew and changes it into something that we can use to […]

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The Highly Sensitive Homeschool Mom

Do you make it a priority to arrange your life to avoid overwhelming situations? Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time? Do your children’s moods deeply affect you? If you answered yes to some or all of these questions you may be a highly sensitive person or HSP. Understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses as an HSP can help your homeschool world become more peaceful and manageable. In this seminar, I will explain what it is like to be a highly sensitive homeschooling mom and how God can help you to faithfully teach your children even on the toughest days.

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How to Help Your Kids Live NotConsumed

Speaker: Kim Sorgius We have read all the books. We study and prepare to be the best parent. We have the plan and we know exactly what to do, until our first child is born. This session takes the things that we thought we knew and changes it into something that we can use to […]

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