high school

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Real Moms– Homeschool Rest, Featuring Renita Bentz-Miller

Sure, we are all familiar with the verse “come to me all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”. Yes, this is certainly true. Yet, I find it hard to put it into daily practice in my homeschooling endeavors, especially in this busy season of homeschooling highschoolers.What are the things that are […]

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Homeschool Guidance Counselor 101 — Wrap up

Congratulations on making it through our intro course? Where do you go next:Join our high school e-mail list here: https://teachthemdiligently.net/homeschooling/homeschool-to-college/Become a part of our Facebook community and get your questions answered live weekly: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HSGuidanceCounselor/Sign up for the closest Teach Them Diligently convention, and make sure to check the box to register for our College Fair […]

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teaching multiple grades at once

Teaching Several Grades at Once

Teaching several grade levels all together can seem daunting. However, what might at first appear to be overwhelming can be turned into an asset in your homeschool. Let’s look together at planning ahead, group teaching, leading older children in sharing knowledge (and boundaries for this approach), and ideas that bring the family together.

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Experience Excellence in Writing

Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports, and essays with style. Best of all, parents and students alike find it easy to use and effective in all their writing endeavors. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started with even the most reluctant writing student so you can give it a try at home.

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Building a Solid Math Foundation

Who is going to build a house by starting with the walls? Without a solid foundation, those walls
may hold up for a bit but eventually will come crashing down. Math is a lot like building a house.
We need to start with a strong foundation and build up from there. It doesn’t have to be hard!
Come and see how easy it is to teach math.

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Career Exploration for High School Students

Too many students graduate from high school with no idea what career they should pursue. Homeschool mother and author, Carol Topp, will offer steps, resources, and her experiences in helping students pursue a career path unique for them.

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Hebrews 11: 23 and 2 Kings 3:16. The secret of our Homeschooling “Why” and “How”

The “secret” to success in Homeschooling is there’s no secret! The elements of success in Homeschooling match those in discipleship, marriage, parenting, entrepreneurship and gardening.

My husband introduced me to gardening in 1981. I was ready to wean our 13-month old twins to baby food. He argued for a garden because “we don’t know who’s bottling that!” When I balked he said “Sweetie Pie, gardening is like pastoring and parenting. All require daily attention to detail in the same posture of humility, ‘head bowed, body bent.’ Folks who don’t have time to garden probably don’t have time to parent.” I joined him in the garden and learned the “secret” works in discipleship, marriage, parenting, entrepreneurship, gardening, and of course homeschooling. It isn’t easy but it’s also not complex. Homeschooling three sons to a state of holistic health required a challenging yet simple Morning by Morning approach. I’d love to share our “Why” and “How” Homeschooling “secrets” with you.

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Teach Math to a Child with Learning Challenges

Teaching is not for the faint of heart. Mix in a child with learning challenges and you may end up becoming very discouraged, and possibly, ready to throw in the towel. Be encouraged, you are NOT alone. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a learning challenge or simply doesn’t “get”? math, come to this workshop to learn some teaching strategies and techniques. Help your child overcome those learning challenges and succeed in math.

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What’s the Matter? The Answer to High School Chemistry

At this workshop we will address the issues and concerns that parents have regarding homeschool high school chemistry. Questions like: “Will the chemistry course I decide on prepare my child for the rigor and structure of college chemistry? What should we do about lab experiments, chemicals and lab equipment? It’s been 25 years since I took chemistry, does anybody know a teacher that would be willing to help in teaching my child, even for one or two times a week? If I buy a chemistry teacher’s edition and a workbook with answers, will that be good enough?” This session will answer questions like these and many more!

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Finding Fun and Unique Ways to Teach Your Children

When we think of educating our children, we often think of our children sitting at desks or the kitchen table using textbooks and workbooks. While this kind of teaching/learning is enjoyable to some students, most students (and parents!) enjoy breaking out of the more traditional classroom setting in exchange for ideas and activities that are more fun! It is possible to incorporate alternative kinds of teaching and learning into your homeschool, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive! There are ways to use hands-on activities, dance, poetry, drama, experiments, fun literature-related activities, music, travel, and more to spice up your homeschool! If you’re in a homeschool rut or if you’re just not sure how to add a little fun and adventure to your homeschool, we would love to share some ideas and information with you! Your children will thank you (Ok…it may be years from now! But they will!) and your family may discover a new love for learning this school year!

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What is a Mother To Do With Sons?

Many homeschool mothers grieve over the conflict that often occurs between them and their sons, especially as the enter the teen years. How does a mother handle the transition of her little boy as he begins to identify with his father and manhood? What is her role? What can she do to not alienate her son as she gives instruction? You learn the answers to these questions and more!

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Gap Year with a Purpose

A popular trend recently has been to take a year off after high school, calling it a “gap year.” Many students see this as an opportunity to take a break and relax. However, there are also many students who take this year to set a foundation for the rest of their lives. This session will discuss the importance of that foundation and how a student can effectively take a Gap Year with a Purpose.

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How to Create the Perfect Homeschool for Your Family

This workshop will be foundational and helpful for a family at any stage of homeschooling. The 5 big ideas presented could potentially revolutionize your family life and homeschool. There will be five seed truths that we will discuss to help you focus on what matters this summer and to lay the foundation for next homeschool year well before you actually embark upon it.

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Shining Armor: Your Son’s Battle for Purity

In a time when over 90% of boys have been exposed to pornography before they leave home, how can we teach them to keep their way pure? How can we help them walk in innocence when temptation lurks on a friend’s phone and beckons just a click away? Hal and Melanie offer frank and practical advice for teaching sons from toddlers to adulthood about God’s gift and Satan’s traps in the realm of sexuality. (Material is appropriate for ages 12 and up – parent discretion suggested!)

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