Merry Christmas and a Look Back At What God Has Done

God has truly been done great things this year, and our family wanted to share a few highlights with you during this season of celebration to give you an idea of all that He is doing through Teach Them Diligently and how your family can use the resources provided through TTD to be strengthened and encouraged all year long.

For those of you who don’t know, Teach Them Diligently is a Kingdom company that God called our family to start years ago with the intention of strengthening and encouraging families to follow God’s call to teach their children diligently, to disciple as they parent, to invest in their marriage, and to show God’s love to all those He brings across their paths.

Teach Them Diligently Events were hosted in 7 different cities in the Spring of 2019, allowing us to personally visit with and encourage over 7,000 families. The testimonies of God’s working through those events poured out again, encouraging our road-weary hearts and giving all praise to the One Who is at work. We continue to stand in awe of the people God is bringing together each season for Teach Them Diligently events, and we are praying that TTD2020 is the most inspiring and well-attended year yet. If you have not yet made your plans to join us there, it is our sincere prayer that you will. We believe so much in the ministry that God has given us that we pray every day that God will use them to spur revival in the hearts and lives of His families all across the country. We have another 7 events planned for 2020, including physical events in Nashville, TN; Rogers, AR; Waco, TX; Mobile, AL; Denver, CO; Columbus, OH; and Athens, GA. Won’t you join us for at least one of them?

The Teach Them Diligently 365 Community grew by leaps and bounds this year, and personally I am thrilled by that. I have heard from many that note that their membership in TTD365 and their attendance at TTD events are the tools God has used to transform their family over the years. Praise God for the way He is working!! The TTD365 mentoring and resources community provides families access to thousands of audio and video resources as well as an active community element to keep you connected with like-

minded homeschooling families from all around the world. With the growth of that community, we were able to roll out a brand new website for TTD365 that has a FB-style timeline, tons of forums and groups, messaging capability within the community and more– all in addition to access to the resources it has always provided. We are just launching that new site this week, so if you have ever thought about joining us there, now is a great time to get in on the ground floor of the expanded offerings. You can learn more about TTD365 by clicking here. 

David and I have been burdened for years to start providing  more original content to strengthen families through the year, and God has allowed us to produce quite a bit of it this year. Again, the testimonies and feedback we have received have encouraged our hearts that God is indeed at work, and He is gracious enough to use this platform He built to do it. We stand in awe. If you have not yet checked out the resources we have available, let me point you to a couple of resources that are currently available and then announce one BIG NEW one that launches next Sunday night.

Praying for Your Children— This prayer guide and daily email series walks you through praying scripture for your children and how you can expect to see yourself, your parenting style, and your children’s hearts change through the process. Thousands have walked through this series and have set their hearts on this effective way to seek God’s face through His Word for every parenting decision. You can learn more about that here.

Praying for Your Spouse — This was written as a follow-up to the parenting prayer guide, and is another resources that has been incredibly well-received and impactful. I actually get more emails about this one than I do the parenting one. Praying this way has truly transformed my heart about myself, my marriage and more, and I invite you to join me in this series as well. Click here to sign up for the praying for your spouse email series.

Brand New FREE Resource For Families!

For years now, I have spoken with countless families about family devotions and the importance of being in God’s Word together, and for 2020 we have a daily Bible Reading and Weekly Memory plan for families that we pray will be a huge blessing and help to many.

We are all called to teach our children diligently and help them learn to love the Lord their God with all their hearts, souls, and minds. Many of us just aren’t quite sure where or how to start, though, so we wanted to share this reading plan that our family used when our children were younger to help give some structure to your family devotions times. 

By using this plan with your family each day, you will read 365 chapters of God’s Word together in chronological order to give your children a better understanding of the continuous narrative of scripture. With the included memory plan, you will also have the ability to memorize up to 120 Bible verses together as a family through the year. How much different could 2020 be if you spend that much time in God’s Word together each day? You can download the schedule today if you like, but check back weekly for the discipleship guide to go along with it. Click here to download that schedule now. 

Teach Them Diligently Israel Trip 2020

n May, the Lord provided an opportunity for our family to spend 10 days in Israel, touring many of the places our Lord walked and gaining a ton of context for everything we read in His Word. Based on the life-changing effects of that visit that we witnessed in our own teens, we came home with a passion to encourage all families to take their teens to Israel. The perspective they will gain, the way Scripture will come

to life for them, the power of seeing where Jesus walked will make them never be the same again. For that reason, we are thrilled to announce that we are offering a Teach Them Diligently trip to Israel at the end of 2020. More details will be available soon, but I hope you will prayerfully consider joining us. I promise you that we didn’t see a way for our family to go, but God miraculously provided. I believe He will do the same for you if you take the step of faith and make your plans to go.

I pray that you and your family have a most wonderful Christmas and a blessed 2020. We sure would love to see you at a Teach Them Diligently event and in the TTD365 community all year long. Locking arms and walking in fellowship with one another sure does make our burdens lighter as we seek to follow God’s call on our lives. 

With much love!

Leslie Nunnery– for David and the rest of our family! 🙂