Our Prayer for Our Marriage

FREE printable Prayer Guide to help you pray scripture for your marriage and grow together as a couple.
It's Not Always Easy.
And they all lived happily ever after… Oh, the beauty of a fairy tale. For many of us that truly is a pretty good description of our lives. We are living our “happily ever after,” but for ALL of us, we know that in order for that “happily ever after” to happen, there is commitment, work, humility, selflessness, sacrifice and more that goes into it. As we seek the good of the ones we choose to love, we truly do find great joy. Not every day is easy. Not every day is fun. But, we know that every effort made on behalf of our family is worth it.
Several years ago, God burdened my heart that I was not praying His Word over my children like I should, so I started putting together what would become a very helpful prayer guide for myself and my family. And I would like to share it with you!

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Prayer Guide for Your Marriage

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