Harmonizing Homeschooling and Biblical Parenting | 225

Today’s podcast is going to focus on something we talk about all the time—how Homeschooling is the perfect complement for Biblical parenting. Blake Willard is here, and I believe you’re going to get a lot of great food for thought and a whole lot of reinforcement in the way you’ve been thinking as you listen in!

Meet The Guest:

Blake Willard is the founder and lead consultant at Homeschool Mastery Group. He brings over 12 years of experience in Christian education and leadership having worked with at-risk youth, church ministry, classical education, hybrid-model schools, and launched a Christian startup school. Blake has his Masters in Education and Organizational Leadership and Doctorate in Biblical Spirituality from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a Fellow at the Van Lunen Center through Calvin University. Blake left private education to support parents full time in homeschool advocacy and consulting.

Podcast Sponsor:

The AWARD WINNING CSB Explorer Bible for Kids helps kids place God’s Word in the middle of God’s world. Within its engaging, full-color pages, kids will interact with the people, places, and things of the Bible and God’s creation. Fascinating images, illustrations, timelines, and study helps show archeological evidence, introduce key characters, explain new concepts, and help kids experience the wonder and truth of the Bible. QR codes placed throughout the Bible bring educational videos, discussion questions, and activity pages to life, helping kids apply key truths of the Bible to real world experiences. 

Click HERE to find out more.

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