Discipleship Tools For Your Family and Around The Globe | 33

Today, Leslie is joined by Hannah Bolvi of Operation Christmas Child to discuss the many discipleship resources available for your family as well as are being offered to children all around the world. You’ll be excited to hear how your gift of a shoebox can be the key to open the door to a relationship with Jesus for a boy or girl who has never heard about Him before, and how those boys and girls are discipled in a way that you can use in your home as well! What a great time to start The Greatest Journey in your own home even as you’re packing shoeboxes to reach boys and girls with the gospel.

Additional Resources:

  • Join Teach Them Diligently families all over the country as together we pack thousands of shoeboxes to deliver to children through Operation Christmas Child. Click here for more information.Or, if you prefer to pack a shoebox virtually, you can do so here. It’s such a great hands-on discipleship exercise, though, we expect most families will want to pack them physically.
  •  Did you know that: Internationally shoebox gifts are given to one child, at one time, in one lifetime. This means Operation Christmas Child is reaching new communities all of the time. The purpose of the shoebox is to further the Gospel by partnering with the local church worldwide
  • Did you know that: Operation Christmas Child does not want to just send “stuff” into a country. Through partnering with the Local church, shoeboxes provide a key to open doors otherwise closed to the Gospel. Evangelism leads to discipleship as the children are led through the Greatest Journey discipleship curriculum.
  • Did you know that: American children are actually among the most unreached with the gospel in the world? Operation Christmas Child has developed resources and apps with the thought of How do we not” gain the whole world and lose our soul” by losing the children of America while we reach the world at large.
  •  Download the Greatest Journey App for your children and allow them to start enjoying the adventures that await them there today.
  • Pick up copies of the Greatest Journey for your own family to start working through that discipleship resource together today. 

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