Can It Happen In Your Home? Bullying, Cyber Bullying, and Other Abuses | 80

When I first started talking to today’s guest, my initial thought was “surely, it doesn’t happen here…” although I knew in my heart that bullying, cyber bullying and other abuses are indeed happening within homeschool families all around the world. I learned so much from our conversation, and I know you will, too.


Today, I’m joined by Candice Dugger of Bullied, Broken, Redeemed. She’s going to give us as parents a lot of critical information to prepare our children for the dangers they face and then to help them navigate their way out of it in a healthy manner if they do become victims of a bully or abuser of any sort. She will give us a lot of statistics and other helpful information to better equip us to deal with an issue that almost every young person will be confronted with at some point in their lives, so I encourage you to pay close attention to what she has to say today.

There are still places around the world where the name of Jesus has never been heard. That’s why Operation Christmas Child is sending the gospel, through simple shoebox gifts, to the ends of the earth. The Greatest Journey follow up discipleship program is teaching millions of children to put their faith in Christ, and how to share that faith with others. As a result, entire communities are being transformed. National Collection week is November 15-22! To learn more about this global evangelism movement, visit samaritanspurse.org/occ

Additional Resources:

Find out more about Candice Dugger and her ministry Bullied, Broken, and Redeemed at www.bulliedbrokenredeemed.com.


Find out more about Bullied Broken and Redeemed and subscribe today using code: LEADERSHIP for $30 off. Click HERE to get this amazing discount! 

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