Dyslexia and Igniting the Brain | 85
On today’s podcast, we will be speaking with Dr. Rebecka Spencer about Homeschooling With Dyslexia
On today’s podcast, we will be speaking with Dr. Rebecka Spencer about Homeschooling With Dyslexia
PASSOVER=The Lamb of God, Yeshua (Jesus), crucified on Passover(Jn18:39). UNLEAVENED BREAD=Bread without yeast does not decay. Messiah was in grave during Feast of Unleavened Bread with no corruption or decay (Acts13:37;Exd12:17). FIRSTFRUITS= Messiah raised from dead, the firstfruits of those asleep (1Cor15:2). PENTECOST=5 days after Firstfruits (Acts2). FEAST OF TABERNACLES= The Word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us (Jn1:14).
Dyslexia effects 20% of our kids. Research shows that dyslexic kids become dyslexic adults. Early intervention with researched-based teaching methods can help your child avoid many of the struggles with school caused by poor reading skills. This session will help parents understand what dyslexia is and what it isnt, provide practical help to understand learning styles and how to choose teaching methods that are more effective. The session will also include encouragement for the day to day struggles, both academic and emotional, and conclude with learning the advantages to the dyslexic way of thinking.
What do I do to meet the needs of my child with learning difficulties? Sharon will walk you through it!
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