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One Blood One Race

Confusion during the Tower of Babel. How did it impact humanity forever. Ken Ham shares the impact of the Flood and the Tower of Babel on the diversity of humanity but the core beginning of that. Listen Now

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Teaching the Relationship Between God and Government

Freedom Project Education addresses the relationship between God and government. A view of education in early America and how the founding of government and home education effected our legacy. Listen Now

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History Starts Here: Digging into the Past

How to make history fun and engaging? Learn how to integrate all of your subjects with history as your spine. Learn about hands on projects that make history “sticky”, both literally and figuratively. Discuss timelines and the different ways you can learn and memorize events and their dates. Listen Now

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Twaddle-Free History

Twaddle is meant to be the stuff that fills up textbooks that have nothing to do with your child’s education. There is a difference between a twaddle history book and living books. Listen Now

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The Relationship God and Government

The relationship between God and government in the early days of American were incredibly clear. Over the years, there has been a change and it has become a little less obvious. Very few people in American understand their history and their heritage. This session will explain how the government should be limited. Americanism is the […]

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The Anti-Christian Pioneers of the American Public Schools System

Shares the ideology of public school and how it changes a child. This session will share how American is using the public school to drive an anti-God worldview and how it starts with school bus. Listen Now

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A Great Awakening: A Rebirth of the Moral Imagination

The US Constitution teaches principles of truth and good government that transfer directly into parental governance in the home. Experience the inspiration of our founding documents as they guide you to define duties, establish authority, and lead.

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When Bible History and World History Meet Face to Face

Join Linda Lacour Hobar (author of The Mystery of History) to discover what happens when Bible history and world history meet face to face. Through stories, activities, and much more, watch His-story unfold on one seamless timeline.

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Living On Barrowed Time

Equipping parents to raise a generation of character healthy and Christ loving children. Steve Scheibner shares his testimony of his job working with American Airlines and how he was the scheduled co-pilot of 9/11. Hear his testimony of how God spared his life and how he continues to use his gifts to encourage and equip […]

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The Doctrine of Providence and the Study of History

Historian Bill Potter shares the providence of history and God’s hand in history. This insightful talk will introduce you to God’s providential hand in our history. Listen Now

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The Horror of the Flood

The mystery of all time is the omnipotent and omniscient creation of the ???heavens and the earth.??? That event and the on-going evidence of God’s creation is the foundational display of God’s very nature and power (Romans 1:2). That body of evidence is so important, and so clear that it confirms the accuracy and authority of the work of God during the early centuries from the creation through the tower of Babel (Genesis 1 through 12).

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Constitutional Literacy

This wonderful session will inspire you to know and learn what the constitution says and give a clear understanding of what the principles of freedom are. The Constitution gives clear explanation of what each American has a right to. Knowing what is in the Constitution will give you as an American a better understanding of […]

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Raising Responsible Americans – Our Unique Dual Citizenship as Americans

Raising Responsible Americans requires a sound knowledge of American and world history, solid Biblical principles, and practical knowledge. Parents should set high expectations for future guardians of our liberty. Our founders expected that Americans would be sovereign citizens of each realm, earthly and heavenly, and it is the combination of these that fostered the unique blessings of America, and can again. Train up our children to succeed in the exercise of our “Dual Citizenship.”

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Teaching History the Way It Happened— In Order!

A well-ordered approach to history and literature allows students to follow history as it happened: In order, from ancient times through the present. A classical approach produces a well-rounded student who knows the stories from all of history— whether ancient or modern, Biblical or secular— that every educated person should know.

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Heartbeats of Discipleship: Shaping Your Child’s Heart to Live for God

“Who REALLY “Owns” YOUR Children?”

“Who REALLY “Owns” Your Children?” Two radically opposing views of parenting and education at war in America today… It boils to this: who REALLY “owns” your children? There is an extreme danger to faith and freedom in allowing government to become parent. Learn the real history of so called “public” schools, and the purpose their architects intended. The battle for faith and freedom in America hinges on giving children the education our Creator expects.

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Twaddle-Free History

Most of us have a bad taste in our mouths about history.  It was boring and we hated it.  It doesn’t have to be that way.  Homeschoolers have the chance to rediscover the fun and excitement of history (yes, we did just use fun, excitement and history in the same sentence).  The seminar will focus on WHY we should study history – because its an essential tool for building godly character – and a number of practical ideas about HOW to teach history (in ways that won’t torture children or adults).

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Theme-Based Learning in the Early Years

Lapbooking: a Beginner’s Guide

Lapbooking! It’s the current rage! Many children learn subject matter best using their hands. A Journey Through Learning has lapbooks for all subjects, including Bible, history, science, and preschool. They also have lapbooks that supplement many popular homeschooling programs, such as Jeannie Fulbright/Apologia Science, TruthQuest History, Geography Matters, Maestro Classics, A History of Us, and more. Nancy Fileccia, co-owner of A Journey Through Learning, shows you not only how to make a lapbook, but also how lapbooking can spark laughter and a hunger for learning in your schooling. She will also show how to use lapbooks with an assortment of top homeschooling programs. (This was originally presented as a vendor workshop, but the principles and ideas are helpful no matter how you get your lapbooks!)

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How Henty Helps with History, Geography, Language, and Character

George Alfred Henty grew up in England during the reign of Queen Victoria, and was steeped in a Christian worldview from all parts of society.  He was Cambridge educated, a military officer, a fantastic storyteller, and a Christian.  Learn how to incorporate his 122 historically accurate novels into your homeschool curriculum, and learn history, Geography, Character, and proper English, just by reading or listening!

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