Speaker: Rachael Carman As you consider how to go forward in your homeschooling journey, where are you standing? Are you on the field or in the stands or in the blimp? It matters. What is obstructing your view? Who’s on your team? Where is the finish line? How can you best proceed? Why are you […]
There is something about the middle of the school year that makes us all take
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Debra Bell teaches this seminar from her varied perspectives as a mom who raised four teens, a long-time high-school-level teacher, and an evaluator of numerous high school homeschool programs. The high school years are your childrens résumé for the future. Heres how to maximize their time, prepare them for a changing job market, find doors to open, and facilitate non-traditional learning experiences.
How do you practically teach your kids to bless one another? Rachael Carman teaches an easy-to-remember lesson with five specific ways that you and your kids can bless each other with words and actions.
Lapbooking! Its the current rage! Many children learn subject matter best using their hands. A Journey Through Learning has lapbooks for all subjects, including Bible, history, science, and preschool. They also have lapbooks that supplement many popular homeschooling programs, such as Jeannie Fulbright/Apologia Science, TruthQuest History, Geography Matters, Maestro Classics, A History of Us, and more. Nancy Fileccia, co-owner of A Journey Through Learning, shows you not only how to make a lapbook, but also how lapbooking can spark laughter and a hunger for learning in your schooling. She will also show how to use lapbooks with an assortment of top homeschooling programs. (This was originally presented as a vendor workshop, but the principles and ideas are helpful no matter how you get your lapbooks!)
“Tell me, and I will forget; show me, and I may remember; involve me, and I will understand.” When children create something from their learning, they will remember what they learned far longer than if they completed a worksheet page about it. This workshop explains why and how to give kids an easy, effective approach that replaces workbooks, enhances learning and retention of the subject, and develops a true love for learning. Jeannie Fulbright shares tips and actual demonstrations for replacing workbook assignments with creative ideas for science, history, geography, literature, and more. Examples and visual aids make the information easy to understand and implement in your homeschool.
Deuteronomy 6 admonishes parents to “teach their children diligently when sitting at home, when walking along the way, when lying down, and when getting up.” There are many more places in Gods Word that speak to home education and family discipleship. Whether you are at the crossroads of considering home education, a few years into it and deciding whether to stay the course, or a veteran in need of affirmation, the truth found in Gods Word will set you free. Davis Carman shares several of these verses in a way that brings Gods wisdom all the way home.
Welcome to the digital age. What does the future of education look like, and how can the homeschool community take advantage of this? Heres a look at free tools and free content sites online that can make your homeschool more efficient, more economical, and more powerful. Harness the educational advantage of online learning and give your kids a jumpstart on their future. Debra Bell explains how Web 2.0 applications are changing the definition of education. Blogs, wikis, Google applications, Skype, VoiceThreads, open courseware, YouTube, Facebook and even Twitterwhen used appropriatelycan really help kids learn.
Planning no longer has to be drudgery and despair! The Ultimate Homeschool Planner (for moms) encourages you to seek God first in your planning and gives you ample space to record your spiritual goals and Gods faithfulness to you on an annual, monthly, and weekly basis. Come to this session to find out how you can revolutionize your life! (This was a vendor workshop but will have practical helps for you no matter what planner you use.)
Come enjoy a refreshing session of humor and encouragement, as Joe and Zan share candidly about the ups and downs of married life (including their biggest fight ever!), while focusing on the Biblical principles that have served as the unshakable foundation of their marriage. Understanding and embracing the magnificent, Biblical vision of marriage is the key to a vibrant relationship.
Rumors About. Some purport that colleges love homeschoolers; others warn that you need to accredit. The truth is that there is a lot of misinformation in the homeschool community. Indeed, going from homeschool to college does involve jumping through some hoops. Jeannie Fulbright is here to share what some of those hoops are. Jeannie homeschooled her oldest child from start to finish, helping her garner early acceptance to the University of Georgia on scholarship, where she is now on the Dean’s List. As Jeannie navigated the open seas of college admissions, she learned what colleges want and how to make a homeschooler an appealing college applicant. From transcripts to portfolios to the application process and everything in between, the earlier you have this information, the easier it will be to sail through the hoops that’ll get your child into the college of their choice.
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