Have you ever wondered why your preschooler is so busy and hands on? This is typical behavior and development for the preschool child. They learn through all things hands on and visual. They also learn through play which also happens to be hands on and visual. With that said, there are a variety of fun sensory ideas and activities out there to cater to that specific need.
I have put together a list of 6 ideas and activities that your preschooler will not only love, but will expand their minds as well.
1. Sensory Art Play: Puffy Rainbow Clouds Preschoolers will love digging their hands through puffy rainbow clouds. The recipe is quick and simple. It also makes a great science experiment as well. All you need is a bar of Ivory soap from any store that sells it. Put it into the microwave and watch the magic happen. It will take the soap about a minute or less to expand and resemble fluffy, white clouds. It will feel crunchy on the outside yet soft on the inside. You can add rainbow colors by using eye droppers and a variety of food coloring colors.
2.Sensory Bottles. You can make your very own sensory bottles right in the comfort of your own home. All you need is empty plastic water bottles, water, baby oil, glue, cooking oil, and hair gel. Each bottle can contain one liquid each where you can also add little objects such as: toys, feathers, glitter, paper clips, sand, beans, rice, etc. Get as creative as you wish. If you want to omit the liquids, you can just make dry sensory bottles with any of the stated objects or finding your own ideas.
3.Alphabet Squish. Here is a fun sensory activity that will not only help with letter recognition, but for a chance to use the sense of touch in a fun way….squishing! All you need is shaving cream, liquid glue, craft sticks, alphabet stickers, and poster board. All you need to do is mix 1 part glue and 1 part shaving cream together. Plop small drops onto poster board with craft sticks a few inches a part. Add the alphabet stickers to each drop. Ask your child where each letter is and when they find it to squish it down with their finger. It’s a lot of fun! I found this creative idea on ICanTeachMyChild.com.
4.Hot Chocolate Paint. This sounds amazing right? This idea is from BathActivitiesForKids.com. This is super easy and a fun bath time activity. All you need to create this fabulous hot chocolate paint is: Shaving Cream, Hot Chocolate Packet, Cocoa Powder, or chocolate Extract. Mix together thoroughly until it is whipped. Bathtime just got
even better.
5.Paintsicles. With summer around the corner, this is a fun and unique spin on painting. All you need is a variety of popsicles in different flavors and colors. Or get more creative and freeze paint in ice cube trays and insert craft sticks. When frozen, there you have paintsicles. Pull out construction paper and go to town.
6.Hurricane in a Jar. This is a fun and exciting as it sounds. Preschoolers will love watching their man made hurricane. All you need is: A glass jar, Glycol Stearate soap, water, and food coloring if you so choose. Food coloring is optional but a lot of fun. Fill jar 1/4 a way with soap and the rest with water. Let the water overflow until the bubbles disappear. You can then add 1 to 2 drops of food coloring for that added effect. Put the cap on tightly and shake. Just watch the hurricane appear. So much fun for little eyes. I found this idea originally on OneTimeThrough.com.
For more preschool sensory ideas, just go to Pinterest.com. This is full of fun ideas and activities specifically catered towards preschoolers and sensory play.