Thank you so much for joining us for our Teach Them Diligently Homeschool High School Virtual Summit! This event is focused on preparing your high schooler for college. There will be several speakers from universities, successful homeschool college graduates, and many other homeschool to college experts! We pray that this event is a great blessing to your family!
What you need to know
- The Homeschool High School Virtual Summit is a part of Teach Them Diligently, and we hope that it will be a blessing to you and your family as you prepare to send your high schooler off to college! Teach Them Diligently hosts multiple live homeschool and family events each year, plus we have a membership site, podcast, blog, resources, and more. We hope you’ll take a minute or two to see which ways we can best serve your family in the days ahead.
- As a “Thank You For Joining Us”, we are giving away an e-book to help you and your high schooler prepare for college! Click the image below to receive your copy!