“Diligent: Characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort.” Sound overwhelming? That’s what we’re called to do in Deuteronomy 6— to Teach Diligently unto our children all the wonderful things we know about the God we love and serve. That’s why our family began homeschooling several years ago. We felt called to “Teach Them Diligently” and to pour our lives and time into discipling our children to become the young men and ladies God would have them to be. God impressed upon our hearts that our home is our Jerusalem, and we must reach it before we can branch out to the uttermost parts of the earth as we are commanded to do in the Great Commission.
That steady, earnest, and energetic effort we are pouring into our children can be taxing sometimes though, can’t it? How easy it is for me to look only at myself in times of weariness and busyness. My lists, my priorities, my hopes for the day, and even my goals for my children tend to cloud my view of why I am so busy in the first place. It is easy to forget to take time to re-focus my attention on the Lord– to seek His perfect will for each circumstance that comes into my life and to try to learn what He wants me to each day. It’s unfortunate that when I am the busiest and in the deepest need for His grace, I am most likely to turn my focus away from the God I am serving.
Therefore, it is with great excitement that we kick off this blog section of our website. We pray that the Lord will use this as a source of encouragement and blessing for the many families that may visit, and we pray that the Lord will strengthen and raise up families as we all endeavor to follow the Lord’s command to “teach them diligently.”
We plan to feature helpful articles from many of our speakers and exhibitors in the days ahead, and there are many great posts already prepared. We also intend to have some fun with the blog, so watch closely for several upcoming giveaways you can participate in.
Lord-willing, this will become a place for us to chat about what’s on our hearts and to build the foundation of relationships that will become even better when we all meet at the convention in March!! I can say in all honesty that our family is very eager to meet you all—we have been blessed beyond words at your friendship, your encouragement, and your participation in this ministry God has given us.
For the Sake of His Name!