It’s inevitable that everyday there are Moms all over the world watching the Perfect Homeschool Mom and wanting to be her. Those Moms who are watching either want to homeschool, never thought about homeschooling or, like you are homeschooling some or all of their children.
They see her there in their minds. She’s up early with a beautiful cup of her favorite drink sitting at the table. Her Bible is open, she’s finished her hour of Bible reading and journaling along with praying and meditating.
Breakfast is made. It’s beautiful and fills the home with smells that woo many from around the county in which she lives. Lunch and dinner are well planned. The ingredients for each meal have been prepared, the vegetables agree with each person’s dietary needs and palate, the meat is of special select and the drinks to be enjoyed are also healthy and prepared.
Her homeschool lessons are perfectly written, any worksheets have been printed and there are craft and food projects planned and ready that compliment the lessons and they have been created for each child’s age. Science experiments are completed after each lesson and each one is a success or the children laugh through the many trials and errors and her timeline charts are beyond superb. Co-op lessons are completed for the entire year and every Mom who has a child in her class just glazes over when they see her because she has so much knowledge and wisdom.
Each of her children have the appearance of an angel. They can quote scripture all day, know facts about every country from Africa to China and back to Alaska. They can share stories about every missionary and excel in math, science and language arts.
She is the perfect Mom. She has the perfect family.
And, she is a myth, when we look at her with the eyes of man. However, when you view every Mom created by God who is focused on Him, she exists.
Sweet Mom, you were created by your Heavenly Father.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14
He created you for His will, His purpose and good works
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
He did not create you to be perfect in the minds of humans. His son was perfect and when he was called good, even he responded: Luke 18:19 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.
He created you to be perfect in Him (You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48), we will never be perfected on this earth, but in the new earth to come. However, we are to continue walking this journey to Him and showing our children that while there may be bumps and bruises along the way – All things are possible with Him.
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”Matthew 19:26
So, let’s stop focusing on a negative thought process that leaves us thinking this path is too hard. Let’s stop complaining and comparing.
Each Mom has a gift and a talent given specifically to her for her family. She may love cooking. teaching, sewing, painting, reading, etc. Whatever it is she loves, God will not waste that gift. He will grow it and He will grow YOU and your children.
Let’s be a generation of Titus 2 women – focused on Helping our husbands and growing our children for the glory of God.
YOU are qualified to teach and disciple your children. YOU are the PERFECT Homeschool Mom for your children.
Start with prayer, meditate on His word, talk with your husband and keep your eyes focused on the creator of our universe.
He loves you!