Giving Teens the Freedom (and Guidance) to Succeed Financially

Originally aired as a Facebook Live, this video will give you some great insights and ideas for how to teach your children to succeed financially. Linda Carlson and Vere Reynolds from Evangelical Christian Credit Union are part of the Homeschool Financial Counselor Team here at Teach Them Diligently, and they shared some incredibly helpful ideas for preparing your children to be financially prepared as they get older.

In this conversation, Linda and Vere cover the following topics:

How to Help them Build a budget

How to Help them Prioritize spending

How to Help them Gather their tools (Understand the Basics of Opening and Managing a Bank Account)

How to Help them Plan Ahead

How To Help Them Get familiar with Credit


We are so excited about this new Homeschool Financial Counselor program, for we really believe it will give us all some tools to help us in an area that is not often discussed and about which many of us feel a little bit ill-equipped.  Sign up for the FREE Homeschool Financial Counselor Program to make sure you don’t miss any of this helpful content about teaching your children how to handle their finances. Check out some of the other articles that have been published as part of the homeschool financial counselor program.

Learn more about the ECCU Start Young Program and how that tool can be invaluable to your family as you teach your children solid financial principles.

Linda Carlson also did an interview with Leslie about Teaching Your Children about Money. Check that out here.

Make sure you plan to join us for TTD2019 next Spring as the homeschool financial counselor team gives even more helps and workshops to help you as you teach your children about finances. Register today and make your plans to join us there!