classical conversations

Community is the homeschool secret sauce!

Homeschoolers teach children themselves for a variety of reasons.  One thing we all have in common is that parents can be the best educators for their own children. No other teacher loves your children as much and knows your children’s unique learning needs. So we teach our own children…sometimes at home, in the car, at the library, at the museum. We homeschool at home, but that doesn’t mean we have to homeschool alone.  Community is the secret sauce.  A Parent Practicum can show you the way.

Two people are better than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. —Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NLT)

Parent Practicum is a FREE, 3-Day Parent Conference on Classical, Christian Homeschooling. You’ll find a community of local families, eager to explore the classical model of education and tools that make learning all subjects with all their children satisfying. At Practicum you will practice the skills of learning and get your hands dirty becoming students. Student Camps are available for students of all ages at a nominal fee. For both adults and students, advance online registration is required. Hundreds of Parent Practicums are offered around the globe from May to early August. Find a Practicum near you!

Students and parents learn best together in community

After summer Practicum, families gather together during the school year in communities, meeting once a week and creating a safe place for practicing speaking skills, encouraging one another and discussing big ideas. Trained parent-tutors model skills and facilitate. Young children enjoy learning in a group setting. They get to play games with the memory work and cooperate on science projects. A CC community provides parents and students with encouragement, fellowship and accountability.  Practicum trains Parents, Tutors and Directors.  Everyone grows through encouragement, leadership, and training. Hear from Sean about why he loves community.

Community helps teens build strong, positive friendships

Our Challenge program for teens is designed for students to build lasting relationships with their peers. They go through mock trial, debates, presentations, and other challenging activities together, sharpening their presentation and debate skills against each other—something they just can’t do on their own.

Visit Classical Conversations to begin the journey and find a Practicum near youGet expert advice and resources from our knowledgeable Product Sales Specialists at Practicum.  Listen to parents talk about their why for going to Practicum here.

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