While Homeschool is a family affair, it’s generally Mom who is teaching the children while Dad is at work. Moms are built with a special way of nurturing and loving on their children. It’s just the way God designed them to be. While God created Moms with special nurturing abilities, he also created us (moms) as social creatures.
We were created to worship him and to live in fellowship.
All too often it’s easy for a Homeschool Mom to get bogged down in the details of caring for the home, writing homeschool lessons, teaching the children, working on science experiments, cooking dinner, the never ending laundry and the list goes on. It’s a beautiful list because even in this list of things ‘to do’ a Mom has a great opportunity to teach her children how to do these tasks with her.
But, Moms are social creatures. We need friends. We need another Mom we can call on when something we have tried over and over again has failed. Or, we need a chance to regroup or just talk with an adult. Yes, we love our children, but we also need camaraderie, fellowship and even accountability.
So, today – several of our friends are writing letters to their homeschool sisters in Christ. We are calling this a 911 sister in Christ because sometimes, we just have those situations that require attention right then. And when those times arise, we need to know who to call.
If you blog, join in. Write a letter to your friends. Tell them what you need or even how you can encourage another Mom. Let’s join together in fellowship and write out our hearts’ needs!