girl reviewing college

Start Early Choosing a College Major

High school students have a lot of options to consider when choosing a college major, and it is more important that they get it right than get it fast. It is essential to start early and take this decision seriously.

Surveys indicate that 66% of college students change their majors more than once, and on the day of graduation, 40% of college graduates wish they had chosen a different major. In addition, the average freshman entering college only knows 60% of their options. This means they are making major life decisions without even knowing 40% of their options. Students often make decisions without much thought and with limited information. They will frequently choose a major based on a lifestyle and not their life work. Some people could sit in a cubical 40 hours a week for 40 years and love it. Others would be crawling the walls in 40 minutes!

During their high school years, students are often asked what their plans are after graduation.  The next question has to do with their choice of college and then their choice of a major. If they don’t know yet, they feel pressure to have an answer. To counteract these questions, they claim a major — not because they know what God wants them to do or even what they want to do with that major, but because they feel the pressure to have an answer when people ask.

Students should prayerfully consider all their options. Examine their interests, passions, and talents. Ask God to direct their path and submit to Him. Ultimately, it is not about a title, prestige, or money. It’s about being where God wants them, and using the gifts and interests that He has given them in order to have influence in the workplace and glorify His name.

Written by Jeff Reep, M.Ed., CPCC, Director of Career Services, Cedarville University


DID YOU KNOW? You can Register to attend the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool College Fair at one of our 2019 spring events and reserve a meeting time to connect with Cedarville as well as all of our sponsoring institutions in order to get your questions answered, gain insight into the college application process, and get information about majors, financial aid, and much more. Sign up today!

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