Thank you so much for joining us for the Back2Homeschool Event! 

We look forward to hanging out together over the next week, staying encouraged together and getting equipped and educated to be better prepared to approach the opportunities at hand in our families and homeschools. We pray that this event is a great blessing to your family!

What you need to know

  1. The Back2Homeschool Event is part of Teach Them Diligently,  and we look forward to getting to know you better through this conference! Teach Them Diligently hosts multiple live homeschool and family events each year, plus we have a membership site, podcast, blog, resources, and more. We hope you’ll take a minute or two to see which ways we can best serve your family in the days ahead.  
  2. Every morning of the Back2Homeschool conference, we will be sending you a daily digest email with important details about the day’s content and special events, so be sure to watch for those every morning.
  3.  Click here to download the Back2Homeschool Swag Bag that is full of freebies, discounts, and downloads! 
  4. Want to interact with others during the week? Join the Messaging Group on the TTD app! Here you will find community and discussion with other TTD families and some of our speakers!
  5. We are here to serve your family! We will be involved in the event, and we truly are excited to get to know you better throughout this next week. We hope you’ll join the fun on social media as well as through the conference as we show the world what it looks like when #WeTTD. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more encouragement and fun throughout the event and beyond.


Download your copy of the Homeschool Family Favorites Guide! See what curriculums homeschool families are talking about!
Voice of the Martyrs and TTD are announcing a close partnership in raising the awareness of persecuted Christians across the world. VOM believes that Christian homeschooling families specifically are integral to VOM's overall mission of serving and supporting persecuted Christians across the world. When you sign up to receive a free subscription of VOM’s award-wining magazine, you will receive a free copy of Foxes: The Voice of Martyrs.
Get freebies and special offers when you download the digital swag bag.
The challenges that homeschoolers come against vary in size and specifics, but we are all working towards the same goal—to give our children the best possible education and raise up young people of sound character. To help you overcome whatever hurdles you experience, AOP has assembled an interview series with homeschool experts to bring you the best tips, tricks, and encouragement right to your home. View Videos

Additional Resources To Explore:

Wish you had taken advantage of the Bundle Discount With TTD365? You can still get that same great rate by using discount code B2HS when you sign up.
Download the FREE Rethink Education Ebook To Give You A Fresh Perspective About Home Education
Homeschooling Families Podcast
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