Washington DC

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You Really Can Teach Math

Listen to Kelly Becton as she shares how God called her to homeschool and that includes math class. She shares about her special needs adopted child. Kelly also shares how important the atmosphere is – no matter what subject we are teaching. Listen Now

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Stand By Your Man

Stand By Your Man

All too often the lessons are finished, the books read, and the frogs dissected, but what priority does the principal have? When does he have time with his favorite teacher? When is the last time there was a principal-teacher meeting (AKA date)? Standing by our husbands through this challenging lifestyle choice is often neglected. Come and remember the blessing of a properly prioritized homeschooling home.

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Laughter is the Best Medicine: Marriage Lessons from Real Life

Laughter is the Best Medicine: Marriage Lessons From Real Life

Come enjoy a refreshing session of humor and encouragement, as Joe and Zan share candidly about the ups and downs of married life (including their biggest fight ever!), while focusing on the Biblical principles that have served as the unshakable foundation of their marriage. Understanding and embracing the magnificent, Biblical vision of marriage is the key to a vibrant relationship.

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Mothers Are Kingdom Builders

Our work as homeschooling mothers has tremendous eternal significance- we are truly building God’s Kingdom one family at a time. By developing strong families and rich relationships, helping our children discover their gifts and callings in life, and providing stimulating academics with a Biblical worldview, we are raising children, who, by God’s grace, can change the world for His glory.

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What’s A Grandparent to Do: Beyond Babysitting

Grandparents and parents– this workshop will present an amazing array of practical, creative, hands-on ideas to help grandparents deepen their relationships with their grandchildren (and give parents some much needed help!) by actively engaging the grandparents in the family’s home education adventure- whether they live locally or long-distance.

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When More is Less: A Call To Simplicity In Your Schedule, Your Home, and Your Children’s Education

Every so often we need to stop and consider, eliminate the clutter, and focus on what’s most important in life.

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Don’t Miss The Gift In Your Child

Have you ever heard someone say, “All children are gifts from God,” only to roll your eyes and thing, “Ha! They don’t know what goes on in my house!” If you don’t look for God’s gifts, you may be missing some of His best.

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Raising Children Who Love God and His Word

This workshop explains several key practices that will help you make the Bible attractive and relevant to your children. Here are simple, practical things you can do to raise up children who love God and His Word!

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Joy Does Come In the Morning

Nancy Fileccia shares her personal story of the loss of her 13 year old daughter. She will help you find the joy that God intends for all of us, but we may not always be able to see it.

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Understanding the Emotional Needs Of Adopted Children

Imran and Tami Razvi
Adopted children have higher emotional needs than children entering a family by birth. It is important that adoptive families, and those having contact with adopted children understand this.

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Raising An Independent Learner

Do you want a lifelong learner who initiates studies on his own? Then let go of the wheel, and start giving your kids responsibility for their education. Deb Bell shares practical, inexpensive steps that will encourage children to pursue their own learning and help prevent parent burnout.

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Manners Matter and Mean Success

Don’t we as parents want to give our children the tools they need to succeed? Do we want our children to grow up to be great fathers, compassionate husbands, dedicated mothers, and giving wives? It doesn’t just happen.

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The Stuff Of Legend- Teaching Heritage and History Through Heroes

By catching the imagination, we light the fuse of interest in history, heritage and literature.Through vivid connections with real heroes of legend, children connect with their ancestors and the past comes alive.

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The Seven Laws Of Teaching At Home

Homeschooling is serious business, and can certainly be a daunting task, to say the least. Our children are definitely worth the effort, but how can we be sure of success in preparing them for the future? Join us as we examine 7 basic premises which are prerequisite to effectively providing for our children’s education.

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Helping Our Children Be Happy With Schedules

One of the absolute greatest gifts we can give our children is a schedule. Studies show that keeping our children on a schedule produces stability, calm, trust, discipline, and most importantly, happiness. Yes, we’re busy. Yes, we don’t want to be burdened down with trying to stay on schedule. But wait,- you’ve got to come and see and hear why scheduling gives us the freedom to have fun and accomplish great things. You will walk away from this workshop with wonderful ideas to implement into your family schedule.

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College Crash Course

Rumors About. Some purport that colleges love homeschoolers; others warn that you need to accredit. The truth is that there is a lot of misinformation in the homeschool community. Indeed, going from homeschool to college does involve jumping through some hoops. Jeannie Fulbright is here to share what some of those hoops are. Jeannie homeschooled her oldest child from start to finish, helping her garner early acceptance to the University of Georgia on scholarship, where she is now on the Dean’s List. As Jeannie navigated the open seas of college admissions, she learned what colleges want and how to make a homeschooler an appealing college applicant. From transcripts to portfolios to the application process and everything in between, the earlier you have this information, the easier it will be to sail through the hoops that’ll get your child into the college of their choice.

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Special Needs Homeschooling? Yes, You Can!

Is it legal to homeschool a child with a special need? What about IEPs, therapy, and finding curriculums that work? From gifted children to families dealing with significant health issues, let’s talk about how to successfully start the homeschooling journey.

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Homeschooling Math Without A Plan? You’ve Got To Be Kidding!

Designed to help parent educators, including new homeschooling parents, understand the scope and sequence, and the logic of mathematics instruction, from pre-school through adult. Join Tom Clark as he takes you on a sometimes humorous journey, describing all levels of arithmetic and mathematics courses encountered in high school and college. Attention will be given to the WHY of the study of mathematics, with an emphasis on concept development, instead of rote memorization.

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