Todd Friel

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Teenagers Need to Know that Christianity is Not an App, It Is a Worldview

Speaker: Todd Friel Why do so many teenagers abandon the faith? Because they believe that Christianity is an add on to the rest of their lives. Join us to learn how to help your teenager orient their entire life toward Jesus Christ and never desire to wander. Listen Now

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Teenagers Must Learn These Truths or You Can Kiss Them Goodbye

Speaker: Todd Friel If you do not thoroughly prepare your teenager to fly the coop, you will likely watch them walk out the door and walk away from the Christian faith. This does not have to happen to you. Listen Now

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Teenagers Don’t Have to Be a Nightmare

Speaker: Todd Friel Americans assume that the teenage years will be turbulent. That is a lie. When a family applies God’s three rules for every family, the teenage years don’t have to be a nightmare. Listen Now

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Teenagers Must Learn These Truths or You Can Kiss Them Goodbye

Speaker: Todd Friel If you do not thoroughly prepare your teenager to fly the coop, you will likely watch them walk out the door and walk away from the Christian faith. This does not have to happen to you. Listen Now

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Teenagers Need to Know that Christianity is Not an App, It Is a Worldview

Speaker: Todd Friel Why do so many teenagers abandon the faith? Because they believe that Christianity is an add on to the rest of their lives. Join us to learn how to help your teenager orient their entire life toward Jesus Christ and never desire to wander. Listen Now

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Teenagers Don’t Have to Be a Nightmare

Speaker: Todd Friel Americans assume that the teenage years will be turbulent. That is a lie. When a family applies God’s three rules for every family, the teenage years don’t have to be a nightmare. Listen Now

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A Biblical Diagnosis of Suicide and Depression

Speaker: Todd Friel Homeschoolers are not immune to the current suicide epidemic. Does the Bible have anything to contribute to the conversation? Absolutely. Learn why so many kids are contemplating suicide, and how you can help your child not become one of them. Listen Now

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12 Tools to Help Your Child Not Become Depressed

Speaker: Todd Friel Our 2,000 year old holy book is 100% relevant. If we apply its truths to our children’s hearts, we will equip them to battle depression and suicidal ideations. Listen Now

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Reset for Parents

Raising a prodigal is every Christian parent’s worst nightmare. Horrifyingly, George Barna contends that over 60 percent of Christian kids will run off to university and “lose their faith.” But there is great news! Your child doesn’t have to become a statistic. Your child can become an adult who loves the Lord the same way you do – but this will likely require a radical parenting reset on your part.

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Angry Children

If you are living in the house with a Tasmanian Devil, your child has a classic condition of sinful anger. There is a biblical diagnosis and a biblical cure for your little terror. You don’t have to live with an angry child.

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Stressed Out!

As if life weren’t stressful enough, add the challenges of homeschooling and you have the recipe for a nervous breakdown. The Bible has a profound cure for the homeschool parent who is stressed out. God commands us to not be anxious, and He provides the tools and power to obey. Jesus provides 12 stress relievers that will help you get rid of your worry-warts.

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Chick Chat

A talk for homeschool moms. A talk to moms about anxiety and depression and what God says about it. Hear encouragement to the struggles that homeschool moms face and learn what Jesus says in order to feel healing. Listen Now

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Joy in the Home: Parenting

It is easy to turn our kids into trophies, idols, or even enemies.  Homeschooling doesn’t help.  If you can relate, then join us for a PRACTICAL, Bible-focused, Gospel-centered approach to parenting.  If you worry about your kids “backsliding” when they leave home, join us.  If homeschooling has become more heartache than delight, join us.   You will be encouraged, refreshed, and equipped to return home and ENJOY your children.  

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Joy in the Home: Marriage

Matrimony is hard, even for Christians.  Put two sinners under one roof, and you are bound to have fireworks.  How can a Christian couple love one another in such a way that fighting, heartache, and pain are minimized, while joy, laughter, and love are multiplied? The Bible has the answer.  If your marriage is strong, it can be more profound.  If your marriage is hurting, there is hope and healing.  This is not a “how to” marriage lecture; this a Gospel-centered application to the most important earthly relationship you have.  And it works.

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