Sonya Shafer

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When More is Less- A Call to Simplicity

When we start on our journey of homeschooling, we have visions of expectations of perfection but somehow we add one more thing, and then another, and another, then we slowly begin to get weighed down. This soon becomes a drudgery and we eventually become discontent with the burden we have chosen to carry. Listen Now

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Charlotte Mason and Her Methods

Join Sonya for a practical and encouraging overview of the simple yet effective methods used in the Charlotte Mason approach. You will learn about Charlotte and experience using her methods for yourself during the session.

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Learning with Living Books

What is a living book and how can we find them? Sonya Shafer dives into what is a living book and what makes them a successful method of teaching. A living book makes the subject you are learning about makes the book come alive. A living book is written by one author who has a […]

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Flexible Homeschooling

Sonya Shafer with Simply Charlotte Mason discusses the freedom that comes with the Charlotte Mason style of homeschooling. She discusses the 5 steps of how she plans for her family and how these steps can work with your family too! Listen Now

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Flexible Homeschooling with Planning and a Bit of Technology

We’ll walk through five easy steps for making a plan—from your Big Picture goals down to your daily activities. Then we’ll discuss how to keep that plan flexible with the help of our favorite online planner. Break free from feeling behind, because there’s more to life than the calendar!

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Learning with Living Books

Good living books feed our children a feast of ideas, not just dry facts. Join Sonya for a look at this simple yet effective approach to true education. Learn what makes living books “living,” and practice using them in a way that makes learning stick.

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When More is Less: A Call To Simplicity In Your Schedule, Your Home, and Your Children’s Education

Every so often we need to stop and consider, eliminate the clutter, and focus on what’s most important in life.

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