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Resiliency Rescues: Helping Children Break Bad Habits

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch Do your children repeat unhealthy choices? Are they not changing their behaviors? Their mindset matters. How can we help them believe truth and change their mindset so their behaviors change? They need to develop resiliency – the choice and ability to make changes and to try something new. Learn how to […]

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Parents, YOUR Worldview is Vital – Your Kids are Watching!

Speaker: Roger Wheelock The church in America is being pummeled today because Christians have not been taught to battle the ideas that come against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:4-5). In support of that statement, consider these facts: 1. The church is not only NOT taking ground back from the enemy in the culture […]

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Managing the Multitudes: How Do You Do It All?!

Speaker: Charlotte Ellard Mother to 12 children, Charlotte offers encouragement and practical how-to’s the Ellard family has incorporated in their family life. From time savers to budget savers to teaching multiple ages simultaneously, our frame of mind (and heart) is the most important part of parenting. Listen Now

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Homeschooling through High School – You Got This!

Speaker: LaNissir James As a mother homeschooling a teen (or thinking about it), you may have doubts about your ability . . . and your sanity. Come and be encouraged as you discover a long-range perspective for teaching your teen that is filled with much hope, faith, help, and joy! Listen Now

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Knowing the Times and What We Should Do as Homeschooling Parents

Speaker: Frederic Gray In 1 Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar are described as “”knowing the times and what they should do.”” In our rapidly changing culture, understanding how best to navigate our lives as lights in the world is critical. This talk will empower you to train your children to make a powerful impact […]

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Boy Parent, Hero Parent

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young The Bible says that children are a gift from God – but why is parenting a boy such a challenge? They live in constant motion, unending distraction, noise without limit and curious to boot. Yet there’s a purpose behind the uproar, and if we seek out God’s aim for our […]

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Graduating College Debt-Free and Early

Speaker: Samantha Shank Homeschool graduate Samantha Shank used the flexibility homeschooling offered to help her graduate from college debt-free and early, all while building a business. Learn the tips and tricks for earning college credits in high school, strategically developing a good schedule, and the memory technique Samantha used to study throughout college. Whether you […]

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Avoiding and Recovering from Homeschool Mistakes

Speaker: Israel Wayne Drawing from over 40 years of experience in the home-education movement, Israel will help you to avoid some of the top errors many parents make in the homeschooling process. The tips offered in this session can save you hundreds of dollars and perhaps years of regret from committing these costly errors. Listen […]

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Being Creators in a Consumption World

Speaker: Nephi Zufelt We live in a world of consumption where it is commonplace to sit and consume hours and hours of content (Netflix, video games, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) every single day. As a society, we are losing our ability to create and produce because of our tendency to consume. This class is not […]

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Anchoring into Christ: The Solid Rock in the Storm

Speaker: Norm Wakefield Parenting and homeschooling have plenty of storms, don’t they? And if that weren’t enough, our nation and culture are in constant turmoil. How do you not let all of these things get to you? How do you stay steady, rooted, and anchored in the storms of life? Learn practical, biblical tools for […]

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An Unbeatable Homeschool Team

Speaker: Todd Wilson Marriage is hard…in fact, it’s real hard! Yet when it is right and good, it can withstand anything. It doesn’t matter what the economy does, the status of your bank account, the condition of your home or vehicles, or what your children dish out…because when a husband and wife are right, they’re […]

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Inside a Charlotte Mason Homeschool

Speaker: Sonya Shafer Take a look at a typical day in the life of families who use the Charlotte Mason method. You’ll discover what the method looks like in everyday practice and gain lots of practical help and clear explanations. Listen Now

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Balancing School and Home

Speaker: Jolanthe Erb When the entire family is home all day, it can be difficult to find a balance between the housework and school time. Meals need to be cooked, laundry needs to be done, and life fills in all the cracks. You’ll walk away from this sessions with tips, helps, and ways to balance […]

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A Crash Course from Creation to Christ

Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar Planning to teach ancient history? Need help integrating the Bible? Listen to Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, as she takes you from Creation to the birth of Christ in about an hour placing Biblical and secular history onto one amazing timeline. Like pieces of a mosaic, watch […]

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Teenagers Must Learn These Truths or You Can Kiss Them Goodbye

Speaker: Todd Friel If you do not thoroughly prepare your teenager to fly the coop, you will likely watch them walk out the door and walk away from the Christian faith. This does not have to happen to you. Listen Now

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What’s a Mom to Do with Sons?

Speaker: Norm Wakefield Blossoming young men can be very challenging to a mother. What’s a mom to do with her son’s seeming disrespect? How should she correct him? Does there come a time when a mom can no longer tell her son what to do? Wives have similar questions about relating to their husbands. What’s […]

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Help! My Student’s Interests Are All Over the Place!

Speaker: Pat Wesolowski It is one thing when students are sure of their post-high school plans, but it is totally different when they have no clue or, perhaps more difficult, when they have so many varied plans that you are not sure how to help! How do parents steer students towards the best choice? When […]

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The Power of Fiction: Influencing the Hearts of Our Youth

Speaker: Chuck Black Fictional stories are a powerful way to capture the attention of the young and old alike. Jesus used short fictional stories to explain the kingdom of God as did Nathan the prophet to bring a king to his knees in repentance. Discover how your use of fiction can get your children excited […]

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Raising Counter Culture Kids in Today’s Media Mess!

Speaker: Tina Griffin Parents! Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to keeping up with the constantly changing technology and it’s influence on your kids? Are you wanting a healthy media diet in your home? Learn how to safely navigate today’s pop culture chaos in this jam-packed, eye-opening session. While working as an actress in […]

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Change: Teach Them Don’t Tell Them

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch Are you frustrated because your children won’t change or don’t seem able to change in ways you want them to? Dr. Kathy will help you understand several subtle attitudes and habits that make change difficult so you can determine which ones are relevant and how to decrease their effects. Then learn […]

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Techno-Parenting: Navigating Screens and Media

Speaker: Israel Wayne Parents today struggle with knowing how to balance their child’s use of technology and screen-time. On the one hand, we want our children to know how to use technology in the ever-changing global economy, but on the other, we struggle with knowing how much screen-time is harmful and addictive. This session will […]

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Getting the most out of your TTD365 membership

Speaker: Trudie Schar Getting the most out of your TTD365 membership Join Trudie, 365 Community Director, to learn how to get the most out your 365 membership. She will share the vision behind the community and teach you about each resource included in your membership: the app, recording archives, monthly mom’s night, weekly videos, retreats, […]

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