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MarriageIRL: How Hard Times Make a Marriage Better

MarriageIRL: How Hard Times Make a Marriage Better

Andy “Fletch” and Kendra Fletcher have weathered a lot of family storms over the course of their 23 years of marriage, and they’ve watched God do beautiful things through their sorrow. Come be reminded of our merciful God, the author of redemption and restoration.

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Homeschool and Marriage - Christmas Edition!

Holiday Homeschooling-Marriage Edition

It is always important to focus on your marriage, but in the busy Christmas season, it is especially easy to lose that focus as you are busily serving others. This week, we will talk about that and share some easy, economical, and fun gift ideas to show your spouse that they you still think they are the bees knees.

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Stand By Your Man

Stand By Your Man

All too often the lessons are finished, the books read, and the frogs dissected, but what priority does the principal have? When does he have time with his favorite teacher? When is the last time there was a principal-teacher meeting (AKA date)? Standing by our husbands through this challenging lifestyle choice is often neglected. Come and remember the blessing of a properly prioritized homeschooling home.

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Joy in the Home: Marriage

Matrimony is hard, even for Christians.  Put two sinners under one roof, and you are bound to have fireworks.  How can a Christian couple love one another in such a way that fighting, heartache, and pain are minimized, while joy, laughter, and love are multiplied? The Bible has the answer.  If your marriage is strong, it can be more profound.  If your marriage is hurting, there is hope and healing.  This is not a “how to” marriage lecture; this a Gospel-centered application to the most important earthly relationship you have.  And it works.

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Shining Armor

Most purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much bigger problem for young men, and many seem hopelessly naïve about the battles our sons are facing. How can you teach your boys to guard their hearts and keep them pure? How can you help them to fight temptation in a world full of inappropriate images? How can you help them make the transition from “It’s not time to think about that…” to finding a wife? Come hear the parents of six sons give you frank, practical advice on raising your son to be a virtuous knight.

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Laughter is the Best Medicine: Marriage Lessons from Real Life

Laughter is the Best Medicine: Marriage Lessons From Real Life

Come enjoy a refreshing session of humor and encouragement, as Joe and Zan share candidly about the ups and downs of married life (including their biggest fight ever!), while focusing on the Biblical principles that have served as the unshakable foundation of their marriage. Understanding and embracing the magnificent, Biblical vision of marriage is the key to a vibrant relationship.

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