Jeannie Fulbright

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College Crash Course

Jeannie’s Journal blogger, shares all of the information about what you need to get your homeschool teen into college. Hear the benefits of homeschooling through high school in order to give your child the best chance at college. Listen Now

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Encouraging Success in Your Children

You’ll be encouraged, challenge, and equipped with ideas, as the Dunagans share from their local and global adventures. Mission-minded families focus on God’s Great Commission, with a passion for the lost. There’s a spiritual depth and hunger that reaches beyond the maintenance mode of cultural Christianity. Learn to ???raise the bar??? in leadership and service, to ???guard the gates??? of your home, and to live with an attitude of self-sacrifice and submission to God, while radiating an unmistakable, contagious joy.

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Imparting a Biblical Worldview to Your Children

How to make a Biblical worldview a reality in your home. Imparting Biblical truths and Scripture memory to your children to build a strong foundation of faith. Listen Now

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Solving Your Science Struggles

Solving Your Science Struggles

Let’s face it—most people don’t like science. Why is that? It’s likely because of how science was taught to them as children. In this talk, which is based on years of research, data, and experience, Jeannie Fulbright shares her understanding of how science should be taught to elementary students. You will learn the keys to successfully building a solid foundation of science education with tips, ideas, and examples for making science come to life for both parents and students.

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Notebooking – Creativity with a Purpose

“Tell me, and I will forget; show me, and I may remember; involve me, and I will understand.” When children create something from their learning, they will remember what they learned far longer than if they completed a worksheet page about it. This workshop explains why and how to give kids an easy, effective approach that replaces workbooks, enhances learning and retention of the subject, and develops a true love for learning. Jeannie Fulbright shares tips and actual demonstrations for replacing workbook assignments with creative ideas for science, history, geography, literature, and more. Examples and visual aids make the information easy to understand and implement in your homeschool.

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College Crash Course

Rumors About. Some purport that colleges love homeschoolers; others warn that you need to accredit. The truth is that there is a lot of misinformation in the homeschool community. Indeed, going from homeschool to college does involve jumping through some hoops. Jeannie Fulbright is here to share what some of those hoops are. Jeannie homeschooled her oldest child from start to finish, helping her garner early acceptance to the University of Georgia on scholarship, where she is now on the Dean’s List. As Jeannie navigated the open seas of college admissions, she learned what colleges want and how to make a homeschooler an appealing college applicant. From transcripts to portfolios to the application process and everything in between, the earlier you have this information, the easier it will be to sail through the hoops that’ll get your child into the college of their choice.

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The 7 E’s For Choosing Curriculum

The 7 E’s For Choosing Curriculum

As an admitted curriculum junkie, Jeannie Fulbright bought everything that sounded good. From A Beka to Hillyer to e-books, she has tried every kind of curriculum and method available. Out of this experience, she has formulated 7 E’s to help her carefully choose curriculum that works for her family.

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