Homeschool Resources

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Making Changes for the Homeschool Year

The year has brought about changes in our family’s homeschool. I let go of many of my pre-conceived notions about home education. The difference has been great. We still don’t live in a “Pinterest-perfect” house or run our school in a picture-perfect way, but we are all growing and changing and becoming more like the individuals God created us to be. For that, I am thankful!

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Top Ten Tips for Successfully Graduating Your Child

With 19 years of home education and four homeschool graduates who have successfully been admitted to their chosen universities, Debby Sjogren has learned by success and some failure how to prepare your children to have an amazing high school transcript. Come listen and learn how you can also best prepare your children for their next level of higher education.

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Aiming Arrows into Adulthood

Our children are “arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior.” Ann Dunagan shares how our relationship changes as they grown and how parents equip the children to be successful adults and follow Jesus. Listen Now

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The Do’s and Don’t’s of Teaching Homeschool Math

So your child knows her letters and sounds. What comes next? What are some effective reading skills and strategies we should teach our beginning readers? And what is a developmentally appropriate way for teaching these skills? In this session, we will discuss things like sight words and phonics, choosing readers for them and read aloud strategies we can model for them. Let’s build a SOLID foundation for reading together.

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The Power of Purposeful Communication Skills

Regardless of the particular passion God has placed in your child, being successful in any profession depends greatly upon the ability to communicate effectively. As a leader, one must learn how to speak the language of your audience and present your message in a way that allows them to perceive and understand the exact purpose of your communication. Rick will give students and parents specific tools and skills to start them on a road to mastering effective communication skills.

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