Early Childhood

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Following the Lead of Your Young Child

One+One+One=One Blogger Montessori based education for your little ones. Learning how to connect with your younger children and follow their lead in their education. Listen Now

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What is Tot School

Blogger of 1+1+1=1 explains simple tools to teach young children in a fun and engaging way! Early childhood learning insight to help parents keep young children’s lives fun and intentional. Listen Now

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The Earliest Years

Tot School is all about exposing your young child to early learning skills at home in a fun and engaging way. It is NOT about teaching your toddler, it is all about exploring together through play. Learn the basic ideas behind the concept of Tot School, the goals and benefits for the family, how to include siblings, and more. Get practical ideas about how to get started, plan, and stay motivated.

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A Hands On Approach To Educating Your Preschoolers

During this session we will define the components of a quality preschool education, identify some of the important skills preschoolers need to learn, and learn how to create lessons and activities using a thematic hands on approach and look at lesson examples.

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Meet Charlotte Mason: An Introduction to Her Methods

Who was Charlotte Mason, and what made her methods of education so applicable to homeschooling families today? Hear about Ms. Mason’s methods and how to implement them in your homeschool.

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